Catching Up

on December 30, 2013

A reader sent me this– llama and alpaca run a business together.  Love it very very very much– had to put it in the blog for any reason at all. Vacation, man– you’ve heard of it! So, you all know the deal, right?  Vacation isn’t really vacation– sometimes it’s just personal work instead of professional… Read More

Making Like Broccoli

on December 26, 2013

I know for the kids it’s December 25th, but I’ve got to tell you, December 26th is my favorite day of the year. Why? You may ask. Well, for a number of reasons– all of which, I have to admit, are both selfish and hedonistic.  I refuse to apologize for this.  December 26th is the… Read More

Going Up! And Christmas wishes :-)

on December 24, 2013

*smishes*  Thanks to all of you who commented on the last post!  I completely forgot to mention some of those movies, and I love them so much!  A Christmas Story– we watch that every year, and that’s just one!  So, anyone who commented yesterday and wants some Rusty Keychains, give me a holler– I’ll set… Read More

Movies of Spirit

on December 21, 2013

Okay– I’ll be honest.  I realized that it was blog day and whimpered. Today, completely by accident, I ended up taking the day off. Yeah, yeah, I’d done a few things– wrote about a thousand words, replied to some e-mails, did a little promo– But mostly? I watched movies and knitted with Chicken, which I’ve… Read More

Santa Fail

on December 17, 2013

Mate and I got a lot of Christmas shopping done last night–I’m very impressed with us. If there was a fold in the space/time continuum and BAM! we wake up and Christmas is tomorrow, give us some tape, some scissors, some paper, and we can make due.  I need to write the Christmas letter– my… Read More

Scavenger Hunt

on December 14, 2013

Hi, all! So I promised the Scavenger Hunt Recap. Following is a list of all the places I posted at during the Riptide blog tour for Christmas Kitsch. Toward the bottom of each post– whether I wrote an article or not– is a description of the scavenger hunt, and a special phrase, chosen from the content… Read More

Looking– and Going– UP!

on December 12, 2013

 Okay, so I’ve been hunched over my keyboard as my uterus drops out of my body, and realizing that yes, sometimes a curse is really a blessing. If nothing else, the red scourge has forced me to slow down. Which is nice.  I’ve had a chance to knit– in fact, I’m knitting a scarf for… Read More

Thank You

on December 9, 2013

And I know– two posts in one night? But this one deserved it’s own post. The Rainbow Awards were given out this weekend– you can read the entire list of AMAZING books RIGHT HERE, but some of my stories got special mention, and I thought I’d say thank you. Lots of people to thank– Elisa… Read More

Dance of the Sugar Crazed Parents

on December 9, 2013

No. We’re not that delicate.  But, well, we are sort of running around, attracted by the lights.  This weekend was a busy one, with a visit to the Auburn Light Parade where the temperatures ran around thirty degrees F. Yeah. You read that right. Here, in this part of California, that there is some cold… Read More

Christmas Kitsch Blog Tour and Scavenge Hunt

on December 6, 2013

ALL HAIL THE UBIQUITOUS BLOG TOUR! Heh heh heh — okay, so honestly, I’m not great at contests.  You all have seen me flail around, messing with end dates and just sort of giving stuff away because I don’t know anything else to do with it, right? So bear with me.  Imma mangle this badly…. Read More