The Long Con: The Muscle

on July 28, 2021

  A true protector will guard your heart before his own.Hunter Rutledge saw one too many people die in his life as mercenary muscle to go back to the job, so he was conveniently at loose ends when Josh Salinger offered him a place in his altruistic den of thieves.Hunter is almost content having found… Read More

A whole other place…

on July 26, 2021

  I feel bad. The package arrived a week ago, right after we got back from the ocean, and I was SO excited, but there were other things to do. I don’t blog like I used to, and before I knew it, a week had gone by and I hadn’t yet celebrated what was an… Read More

You Might Be a Noir Character If…

on July 15, 2021

 Okay– so it’s been a while since I blogged. I keep wondering, “Should I keep the blog?” and then, a thought hits me, or a week I want to talk about, and yes, I’m back on the blog again. Well, it IS a fifteen year old habit, and that’s hard to break. Anyway–I’ve been RIPPING… Read More

Night Visitors

on July 1, 2021

 So yes–we went on a short trip to San Francisco–and had a blast. Mate and I went down Friday, had dinner at a place called Max’s in Burlingame, and generally enjoyed being adults, alone together. We had the television all to ourselves–it was a stunning indulgence. The next day we met friends–Andrew Grey and Karen… Read More