I’m back…

on October 25, 2021

  Oops… almost gave up on it this time. The problem with giving up blogging–particularly after 15 years–is that you get in the habit of documenting all the hilarious, weird things that happen to you, and then, after you’ve let the blog lapse for a week, or two, or (omg!) three! you’re like, so… I”m… Read More

Ah, birthdays…

on October 1, 2021

I remember birthday weeks of the past. They were always deeply entrenched in soccer season, and there were multiple grandparents and multiple venues and between Mate, myself, my biomom, Chicken, and my Auntie, there were five birthdays in a week. Things have calmed down since then. Everyone’s still alive, but Chicken is an adult and… Read More