People in my neighborhood…

on April 30, 2015

So, the people who get in the swimming pool after my aqua class are sort of awesome. I may have mentioned the nice man who came running out with balloons to greet the two older women who come exercise in the outdoor pool after the cold winter has passed–and they were out there today. One… Read More

A Lovely Chat…

on April 30, 2015

So, yesterday, the authors of Tales of the Curious Cookbook got to meet online– we had a lovely chat, and I work with amazing women, and here you go. Us. Talking. Enjoy. (Sorry about the fucking dogs!) And Immortal is now on pre-sale at DSP ARe And today, I’m going to the gym (huzzah!) and… Read More

Beet Porridge and Quickening

on April 29, 2015

Okay– first of all, Quickening is done– huzzah!  It needs a last editing pass, some beefing up of the transitions, and then it’s going to DSP Productions to lie in dormancy until I’m done editing Bound and Rampant. I. Am. So. HAPPY! I woke up this morning feeling like a whole new me!!!! And second… Read More

I cannot brain today…

on April 28, 2015

I have the dumbzzzzzzzz…. So, working on Quickening. I shall reach the 200K mark tonight, and probably pass it by.  I MUST finish by May 1st, because all hell will break loose on my desktop then and I need to be done. Sleep is… not a priority. It is beginning to show. This morning I went… Read More

Kind of a neat moment & A chance to win swag

on April 27, 2015

Okay– so RITA nomination, right? Big deal– at least to me. Anyway– I want to thank a couple of people from my past, so I e-mail the head of the English department at my alma mater and introduce myself, then ask him if he’s got a line on two of my old professors. He got… Read More

Before going shopping in Target…

on April 25, 2015

Make sure you are not… A. Hungry B. Sleep deprived C. Stressed D. In the hallucinatory “writing zone” caused by the above things E. Sad F. Substituting your need to knit with an absolute imperative need to replace your rather tatty comforter that your husband never liked anyway with whatever new thing they have in… Read More

Random Thoughts About Subjects of which I Know Very Little…

on April 24, 2015

*  I’d like to thank the movie The Book of Life— A. It was adorable. B. It represented Mexican culture which not enough of mainstream American art does, and it did it in a positive way. C. It had two flawed and yet lovable heroes and I rooted for them both. (And, yes, much like… Read More

And Gold Medal goes to…

on April 23, 2015

Hey there folks, It’s Bob Talksis and Steve Whodat here– please join us in our umpteenth straight year of the Domestic Industrial Life Duty Ordeals, also known as the Boredom Olympics or B.O. for short.  Today we’re checking in on our “Car Servicing” event– let’s see how our daft-letes are doing, shall we? You know,… Read More

The Stages of Salt-Mining

on April 22, 2015

Vulnerable–1st book Anyone who has ever worked on a long-term project can tell you that there’s a couple of stages: 1– *WHEEE!!!*  I’m writing a book (or painting a mural or sculpting something out of marble or writing a symphony or whatever your artistic heart embraces) and it’s gonna be great and I’ve got all… Read More

You know that youtube video…

on April 21, 2015

… where the guy is on a bicycle and it’s going full speed and then a stick gets stuck in the spokes? So there I am, thinking, “Dropping kids off at school, going to Weight Watchers, taking car in for maintenance, picking kids up early for dentist appointment, getting them home in time for Zoomboy’s… Read More