Times They Keep Changing

on July 29, 2020

  I’m proofing a bookthat I wrote overa year and a half ago– Crafting Category Romance: The Art and Science of Fiction Haiku–and one of the things that’s apparent is that a lot has changed in Romancelandia since the book was written.  The book is in proofing, like I said, so it can be announced… Read More

Venues and Vicissitudes

on July 25, 2020

Okay– so FaceBook, being the pile of garbage that it can be–has banned my blog as abusive.  I don’t know the qualifications of that–I mean, I’ve called the president some pretty nasty things here, but mostly, it’s kids and dogs and knitting and books, so maybe it’s something else. A troll, a hater–doesn’t matter. FaceBook,… Read More

Shortbread and Shadows is Now Out!

on July 21, 2020

Shortbread and Shadows by Amy Lane I love paranormal romance and urban fantasy. (Yes, there’s a difference–it’s important, trust me.) The first series I ever talked about on this blog was the Little Goddess series, and the second one was Bitter Moon–and I miss that touch of magic so much. This book is paranormal romance–it’s… Read More

Home again!

on July 20, 2020

So it was a lovely vacation. It wasn’t as busy as we usually are–and while the kids were sort of sad about that, I was thrilled. We drove to a couple of state parks– Makerricher (sp), Russian Gulch, Glass Beach–and took the dogs on long walks, and even played in the sand for a little.  We… Read More

Lessons from Television

on July 11, 2020

So, Mate and I have been watching our share of TV and we’ve developed a taste for British crime drama. Oh yes–Midsummer Murders, DCI Banks, Scott & Bailey, Bletchley Girls, Unforgotten– our addiction runs deep, I can tell you.  And so, after season 3 of Unforgotten, as we’re thinking of reopening Midsummer Murders again at… Read More

Kermit Flail July!

on July 6, 2020

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I hope you all had a safe holiday–I have to admit, I’ve been somewhat of a crabby pants about all of the personal fireworks in our area. *shakes old woman fist at the sky* YOU DAMNED KIDS ARE SCARING MY DOGS!  I also have to apologize for missing June’s Kermit Flail–in full confession,… Read More

A Twitter Thread on World Building

on July 2, 2020

Sorry about the formatting–I actually did this as a thread on Twitter, and then sort of liked it, so I put it here so I could look it up if I needed it. You’re welcome to it. I’m going to make an observation here about world building when you’re writing urban fantasy. Not every detail about… Read More