Does it Make Me Look Quizzical?

on February 3, 2016

*  So, got all gussied up for Coastal Magic, including a trip to get my eyebrows waxed. The place I normally go has changed ownership, and the people there are not quite as sweet and friendly as Lily, whom I sort of adored. On Friday, I offered to come back on Tuesday, so they could… Read More

Kermit Flail Monday– February Style!

on February 1, 2016

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Well, mostly Yay, we made it to February, really–it’s been sort of a rocky month, amirite?  But, we survived, and there are some lovely books in waiting for us–and even some books that got sort of released late in January and didn’t make it to January’s Kermit Flail–so these may, indeed, be some hidden treasures… Read More