Zoomboy, with manic smile on his face: Guess what mom! The cat is dead!
Me, watching the cat wander by, ignoring us both: Worst April Fool’s joke ever.
* * *
Chicken, before running an errand in the new car: So, remember Mom– if I come back and there isn’t a scratch on the car, that means I have done nothing wrong. You understand that? No scratches means no proof.
* * *
Squish: What’s the best April Fool’s joke you’ve ever had played on you?
Me: Nine years ago, I went into labor on March 31st. April Fool’s! Your birthday is on April 3rd.
Squish: *iz laughing too hard to reply*
* * *
And it’s a beautiful spring day outside– may you all be surrounded by sunshine and flowers. (My friends in Australia, may you be surrounded by brisk fall breezes and the promise of rain.)
Happy birthday Squish!