I am mak
ing a thing. It’s one of my favorite things to make, and I use variations on the theme almost every time I make it.
It’s a pair of fingerless gloves.
It was originally a sock–but I screwed up. I mean, socks– I’ve made a zillion of them. Over a hundred pairs if you count baby socks, I’m pretty sure. And I screwed up on a sock. *headdesk* So I turned it into a thing.
Now here’s the, uh, thing, about this thing.
I originally planned to give this thing away.
I have so many people who ask me for things, and so many of them live far away, where there is actually snow. I should really give them away.
*strokes absently* Yes, precious… I should really give them away… I wants them, precious–I don’t care if I’ve lost one or both of every pair I’ve made for myself until this moment! It doesn’t matter! They are perfect and I love them and they will be mine!
Yessssssss, precious. Miiiiiiinnnnnnne…
And in actual news– no dance tonight. Zoomboy went to a basketball with Mate, and I’ve been engaged in texting discussions with my extended family that are beyond depressing. Writing and knitting make up my happy, and, alas, they don’t make for riveting conversation. I have taken on a quest for Chicken though. She wants a Star Trek/X-Files/ Star Wars bag– not all in the same, but, I think, something awesome from at least one of them. To that end, if anyone knows of any good sites where I can find a chart (particularly for the X-Files, I think) I would love to try a felting project of this sort. A bold, unmistakable logo and some dish detergent, and I’m ready to go!
But first?
I need to finish the story I’m working for.
And of course, the thing….