…and family…

After a long day of rest yesterday, the family was back in full swing today… sort of.

We’re all still a little punch drunk and a little tired from the weekend, and, gotta admit it, I’m so far under I had the following conversation w/my editor:

“So, about this project–is it still on your radar?”

“Radar, yes. Sonar, no. I’m that far under water.”

So far, actually, that I had to bail on some QSAC commitments, and that depresses me. I REALLY look forward to those, but omg.

Did I mention the under water and the back-to-school-night and the fact that BOTH the kids need new dance shoes and we haven’t folded clothes in ages and…

You get the picture.

The day was not without its fun moments though–as evidenced by the picture of Reginald, who was waiting for me when I went back to the bedroom tonight.

Ah, Reginald–always there for you when I need you, unless it’s your time to pop.

Mate is playing the new WOW update, which reminds me of when he was a hardcore WOW player. Very clearly I remember a quiet house, as I watched TV and knitted a blanket for Squish, who was waiting to be born. Everything was peaceful. All the kids–truly kids at this time– were quiet. Can you hear the opening from William Tell here?

And into this idyllic domestic bliss, my husband yells “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!”

And I drop a stitch, ZoomBoy wakes up in his crib and the big kids come running into the living room going, “What? What? What?”

Ah, WOW. So excited to see it back in my life.

But the kids are getting excited about The Office–which is really cute, even though I’m working through it because otherwise I’d be having butt-cheek races to see who could get down the hallway fast enough as we squirm out of our seats and away from the TV.

Also, did I mention deadlines?

Anyway– I have peace, I have quiet, I have the dogs, I have Reginald–time for me to jump back in the fray!