And have we mentioned that Knittech rocks?

Thanks to Knittech (thank you thank you thank you!!!) who helped me format this into something that would post! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ‘glubs’

0 thoughts on “And have we mentioned that Knittech rocks?”

  1. Danielle says:

    Those may just be the cutest things I have ever seen. So fun!

  2. Galad says:

    Too, too cute. Knittech Rocks! (and so does the creator of the glubs!)

  3. TinkingBell says:

    Oh I luvs them glubs! Good glubs! Very Good Glubs!

  4. w00t!!

    They’re adorable!!

  5. Louiz says:

    Cute, cute glubs:) yay for pictures

  6. roxie says:

    Squeeeeee! Glubs! My inner three-year-old is dancing with glee. What a great thing to hold in mind as I head off to my job at the jail.

  7. GrillTech says:

    Nytecode is always willing to host pictures..

  8. Donna Lee says:

    You are a clever woman! I’ll bet they love them. I’m wondering if I can crochet some scales down the back of my mittens and make some eyes…..

  9. Bells says:

    Oh wow. Fantastic. Clever, clever Amy! I bet they are a riot to have around the house.

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