Wow–so I went to work out today and I didn’t expect it to destroy my life. But I’m falling asleep with no writing done and that hardly seems fair.
So I will leave you with a few observations made during my day, and then either wake up completely wand write or go to bed and hope to write tomorrow. I’ll *yawn* let you know which one it is!
* ZoomBoy has raised his grades to practically a B average. We’re so damned proud. He’s tickled too–I hope there’s homework club in high school!
* Squish managed to find her essay online so I could read it. “Uh, Squish, you can’t use the word “buttload” in an essay for school.” “Okay, fine. I’ll fix it!” “Jeez, kid–you’re going to get us an F in parenting!”
* Mate was very sweet about trying to get me to go somewhere this weekend in honor of Mother’s Day– then I remembered that my cousin’s wedding is next week and we’re driving to Oregon. Suddenly, hanging out in town didn’t seem so bad!
* And while adding this photo–this terribly sad photo of the dog who was so depressed he stayed in this depressed pose for HOURS, I fell asleep three times and almost closed down my browser. I may have to go to bed soon.
Night all!