Attention Please:

Due to complications arising from helping Chicken with her homework, I will not be able to blog tonight.

(i.e., I read Truman Capote’s ‘A Christmas Memory’ out loud to her, and we were both sobbing too hard at the end of it to be of use to anyone. Love that fucking story…seriously. Love it to pieces, it’s one of my favorites. Fucker makes me cry every time–it’s a good thing I’m not teaching freshmen anymore!)

Night night!

0 thoughts on “Attention Please:”

  1. Galad says:

    That’s one of my favorites too!

  2. Donna Lee says:

    When Em had to read A Raisin in the Sun, I read it aloud to her while we worked on a puzzle. It is one of my fondest memories of school work.

  3. roxie says:

    Ahh, female bonding!

  4. Did homework get done?

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