Soccer Saturday, and Why I Didn’t Kill Anyone

on September 11, 2011

So yesterday was a soccer day– and it was MISERABLE.  Temperature in the 100’ds, humid, air quality for shit–just gross.  So when I got back from taking Chicken to her two ref jobs, I was not surprised to see everybody in shorts going to Zoomboy’s game.  (Chicken had a game in an hour too–we had… Read More

Talking Dirty

on September 8, 2011

Okay– my friend is on the phone, talking about getting her alpaca fleece sheared and processed, and then finding a spinner to buy it, and seriously– it’s like she’s seducing me with fresh, quality critter fur.  I WANT TO SPIN THAT!  (Okay– not these critters– these critters were found on Bing images, and while charming,… Read More

Like a sting ray, only smaller…

on September 6, 2011

We spent the long weekend in Monterey. We go there as often as we can.  Something about the lovely, seventy degree climate, the aquarium (which you can see Zoomboy enjoying with oomph!) and the smell of the sea makes the entire family gazunga scads of happy.  Mate, my beloved Mate, who has not really had… Read More

Clear Water

on September 2, 2011

I’ve talked a little bit about my son’s diagnosis w/ADHD, and my own realization that I’m lousy with it, and for the most part, it’s all good.  Zoomboy’s little brown pill has made his school life MUCH easier–after one month on it last year, his school test scores (and this is one more reason to… Read More

Desperate Porn-Writing Housewives

on August 31, 2011

Okay– I don’t write porn, you all know I don’t, but it’s so much fun to get everyone’s attention that way! And, well, it does make the story better. So I had to give up my work out this morning because the phone repair guy was coming, right? (And if I was a MILF instead… Read More

Poetry, History, and Philosophy

on August 28, 2011

Poetry is more important than history or philosophy. Aristotle This is Andrew and Ariel– they went to Book Expo of America for my publisher, Dreamspinner, this year, back in May. While they were there, a friend of mine from the Paranormal Romance Guild, another writer, Marianne Morea, saw my name, and said, “I know Amy!”… Read More


on August 25, 2011

School: day four *crosses eyes* Okay– have I mentioned that whole “no such thing as a non-working mother” thing? YIKES! I mean… seriously. YIKES! Last three days have been a NIGHTMARE of run errands–and I’m declaring today a day off of aqua aerobics just so I can get some work done. And in the meantime,… Read More


on August 22, 2011

Forgive the blurry photos– my camera phone does NOT do well indoors. Yesterday, Mate took three out of four kids to Six Flags (and me of course) as sort of a last hurrah to summer. It was fun– we didn’t stay too long, mom rode the water ride, the weather was fanTASTic, and Zoomboy was… Read More

This Week Was…

on August 20, 2011

Busy enough to make me feel envy for Steve the Cat. (I don’t know why she stays in there–but she does. For HOURS. The kids put a blanket over the bucket, fill it with soft toys, and go, “Shhh… Steve is sleeping.” Seriously. I really fuckin’ wanna be the damned cat!) Too busy to let… Read More

Alien Moons

on August 16, 2011

My heart beats to tides pulled by alien moons, Sailing an acid yellow sea beaten by boiling martian winds. The vessel has patched sides, a thin hull, Threadbare sails made of time. Rips punch through, rending ragged fabric edges, with infinite space through the gap. For so long I clung to the mast, screaming until… Read More