Summer blogging…

on July 22, 2008

(shimmy bop bop, shimmy bop bop, shimmy bop bop yeah…) Now see the problem with summer blogging is that I have both too much and too little to talk about. I have too little, because basically? I hang with the kids, keep them from killing each other, and run the occasional errand. I have too… Read More

The Great Outdoors

on July 20, 2008

It dawned on me, as the day made it up to a scant 90, and the breeze blew, that our crappy air quality we’ve had until recently has done it’s nasty, destructive little job. We have become an exclusively indoor family, pale trolls, huddling in our craptacular home, excavating through the toy detritus for something… Read More

My Masochistic Tendencies, Revealed

on July 19, 2008

It’s gonna be a short post. I finished the first edit, sent the kaboodle off to blessed Eric, with instructions that read, loosely, “I think I have a detail muddle in the fourth section, but I need some space. I’ll take care of it when you’re done.” Then I proceeded to sit down and rework… Read More

Colleagues, Satan, and driving PWT…

on July 17, 2008

Okay–a few months ago, we were sitting in the lunch room and the song “Devil went down to Georgia” came up in conversation. Don’t ask me how, the gods were drinking happy juice (or, as the Samurai speculates, the four horsemen of the apocalypse came down for bong-water), but anyway, there’s this song. And there’s… Read More

Can’t talk, gotta edit…

on July 14, 2008

Boy, I’m obsessed. I was going to send the whole massive kerfluffle to Eric and then enjoy my time without the book on my lap…but I couldn’t. I needed a read through first, so Eric is going to have to wait. (Sorry, brother…but I hope it will be worth it…) But I didn’t realize how… Read More

Celebrational Quickie

on July 12, 2008

What are we celebrating? Well, first, the forum troll seems to have wandered off–and thank you all for your support and good wishes. For those of you who wanted to do something–mostly, (and only if you have time), make your vote count. If you have an account, go in to my page (or C.S…. Read More

I didn’t do it this time, I swear!

on July 11, 2008

Okay–I”ll blog about it. I’ve been hit. A forum troll on found my book pages and started posting false reviews–and, even worse (because the review was an obvious personal attack–and obviously fabricated!) started voting down all of the legitimate reviews for my books using different identities. Enough negative reviews, and those good reviews go… Read More

Bon Voyage, Chicken

on July 10, 2008

Well, there were many happy adventures in San Francisco, but the result was the same. Mama’s little Chicken is off and flying–as of last text message she was in L.A., and tomorrow (or Friday the 11th because of the whole dateline thing…) she’ll be in Australia. I’m actually pretty sanguine about it–but I did tear… Read More