Quickening is Out Today

on May 2, 2017

Available at DSPP Available at Amazon.com Quickening, Vol. 1 Little Goddess|Book Five, Vol. 1 Fantasy  /  Paranormal Amy Lane Cory thought she’d found balance on Green’s Hill—sorceress, student, queen of the vampires, wife to three men—she had it down!  But establishing her right to risk herself with Green and Bracken had more than one consequence,… Read More

*Kermit Flail* Monday– May, Quickening, and RT!

on May 1, 2017

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! You know, I think I’m gonna change the name here. I mean, I like Kermit and all, but seriously–I get so excited about this post every month–I think we should call it the Amy Flail, don’t you? So, on today’s Amy Flail– Well, first we’ve got Robert Winter with his new romantic suspense book–and… Read More

Test Scores

on April 28, 2017

I took ZoomBoy to go register for high school today, and was reminded of something not many people know about learning handicaps. ZoomBoy has ADHD–most of you know this, and even if you didn’t read Clear Water, you figured out that he got it from me. Now, one of the hallmarks of a kid with… Read More

Pretty girls and Floofy Woof

on April 27, 2017

First of all–my stepmom sent me pictures of the kids for Easter.  They went egg hunting in the rain, and they were SO most triumphant, I had to share!  For the record, each little egg was a pass to a toybasket– yet another way to hunt without worrying about too much chocolate. Second of all–it… Read More

Autism Awareness Blog Hop: Perfect

on April 26, 2017

Hey all– it’s that time of year again for RJ Scott’s wonderful and inspiring Autism Awareness Blog Hop.  You can find the masterpost–with the list of the great authors who’ve contributed RIGHT HERE.   It’s definitely worth a read folks–do check it out. Now, many of you know that while none of my children are on… Read More


on April 25, 2017

So, Quickening Part 1 is out in LESS THAN A WEEK!!!!! *pant pant wheeze wheeze pant* Anyway– To sort of get us in the mood I thought I’d share a teaser from Max and Renny, a couple who doesn’t get a whole lot of play on the hill, mostly because Renny is at her best… Read More

I think I’ve hit that point…

on April 24, 2017

So, I leave for RT in a week, and I think I’ve hit that point… You guys know that point? Where the avalanche of stuff on your desk is so big, and your list of deadlines so huge, that you can’t focus? Like before you can do laundry and pack, you need to curl up… Read More

Lots of Different Stuff

on April 21, 2017

So, I fell asleep last night appallingly early. I think it was the last of the cold kicking my ass, and a little bit of stress, and fear of the avalanche of stuff I might not be able to get to in the next week. But mostly being sick and actually tired. Anyway– Some kid… Read More

Erranded to death…

on April 19, 2017

Kid to school Walk the dogs Service the car Shopping with Mom The fabric store! Home again Daughter drives now But first the pet store Then there’s Safeway Lunch now please? Parking lot hopping Til Del Taco Cause Mom’s got a headache Cause it’s almost two. Thank grown daughter Get in the car Get the… Read More

Ham ham ham ham…

on April 18, 2017

So, VERY tired tonight–shall share a short dissertation on ham and what it apparently means to my family. On Saturday night, I made a ham for the family. We were going to my parents for Easter potluck, but my kids REALLY love ham, and it was on sale for obvious reasons. I bought two. Anyway,… Read More