Bacon and Eggs –a VERY SHORT Part 8 for Jai and Georg

This is going to be super short–like drabble short. I’m in the middle of a blog tour, and the kids have a full plate this week–but I couldn’t let us forget about Jai and George! Also Parker was in dentist pain and needed some pets, and we always pet Parker because we love him, so this is for him too.

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Jai heard him yawn and stretch, and then the rustling in the tent that indicated he was getting dressed.

“Going to the bathroom,” he called softly, and Jai looked up from the eggs he was scrambling.


George gave him a shy little smile and a wave and set up for the restroom two campgrounds away.

Jai bit his lip. He’d gotten a smile in the morning.

He hadn’t been sure–not really. The night had seemed amazing to him, but he’d been dominant and a little bit kinky. Sure, rent boys were okay with that if you paid for it, but Jai didn’t often find willing partners who liked to be teased until they screamed.

But George… George had taken all of it, willingly–happily. Like every suggestion Jai had made had been designed to make George catch fire.

The results had been… magic.

Jai thought magic deserved some bacon and eggs in the morning. And some coffee as well.

For a small man, George made a lot of noise tramping around in his tennis shoes. Jai wasn’t surprised when he slipped his cool hands around Jai’s middle, under his fleece, and nuzzled his shoulder.

“Good morning,” he said, as contented as a cat.

“Good morning.” Jai turned away from their food, which was nearly done and bent his head so he could take George’s mouth. Ah, minty. Good. Jai had brushed his teeth too. “Sit,” he said gruffly after he’d pulled away. “We can eat.”

“I need to cook for you, eventually,” George told him. Then he grimaced. “Or maybe I can just be the one who brings takeout on Fridays.”

Jai laughed softly in deference to the early morning sun peeking through the black shadows of the the trees. “You don’t cook?”

“Not well,” George confessed guiltily. Jai slid his eggs onto a plate with three pieces of bacon and some toast that had been working as well, then put the whole works in front of George with ketchup and butter.  “This here is my only dish really,” he confessed, taking a bite of bacon. “Mm… and you seem to do it just fine.”

Jai chuckled and plated up his own food, poured them both milk, and then then sat down next to him on the picnic bench.

“What do you have planned today?” George asked him after his first bite.

Jai closed his eyes and swallowed blissfully. “Fishing–it will be boring, if you would rather–“

“I have a book in my truck,” George said happily, and  some tension seemed to go out of him. “Sitting in the quiet with you sounds really nice.”

“Good. I am not good at cocktail parties.” Jai took a gulp of his milk–milk made him happy in the morning, and it gave his stomach a good buffer from black coffee, which he’d put on the camp stove for when they were done.

“I can fill space with my chatter,” George apologized. “I mean, I’ll bring the book in case you’re ready to strangle me, but seriously–lots and lots of talking.”

Jai chuckled. “We shall find a medium,” he said. “Somewhere between the silent void of space and a monkey in a tree.”

George grinned. “Wow. That’s impressive. It’s like I’ve been waiting for a guy to say they can compromise with me my entire life.”

Jai gave him a self-deprecating roll of the eyes. “Too many men named Marvin and Gary,” he said with a wink.

“Not enough men named Jai who can blow my mind in bed,” George told him, and Jai nodded.

“Da.” Then the banter faded, and he found the answer to this next question was really important. “What we did last night–it was good? Truly good? No regrets?”

George met his gaze soberly and shook his head. “None. Just, you know. Don’t want to scare you away so we can do it again.”

Jai’s grin threatened to take over his whole face, but he fought it back. “Good,” he said, keeping that eye contact. “I would like very much for us to do that again.”

“And again,” George added.

“I’ve always enjoyed camping,” Jai told him with a bland smile.

“I can see why.”

They buried themselves in their bacon and eggs then, before making ready to walk to the lake, camp stools over their shoulders, fishing tackle in Jai’s hand, George’s book in his. George actually read quietly for an hour, as the sun rose gloriously over the mountains, setting the lake on fire.

Jai couldn’t ever quite remember a more brilliant morning.