Blog Tour for Deep of the Sound

This is mostly just an alert that, starting tomorrow (Monday!) I’m going to have articles and excerpts for Deep of the Sound popping up, well, everywhere.

I’m posting the schedule tonight (Sunday!) so that you all can keep look for it– I’m telling you folks, some of my best stories went into this one, both the funny and the sad.

I hope you enjoy the tour– and by all means let me know if you do– and please enjoy the story!

Deep of the Sound available at 
Deep of the Sound available on Kindle
Deep of the Sound available on ARe
Deep of the Sound available at Riptide

Stops for this tour:

June 15, 2015 – The Novel Approach
June 15, 2015 – Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous
June 15, 2015 – Book Reviews and More by Kathy
June 15, 2015 – Prism Book Alliance
June 16, 2015 – Things I Find While Shelving
June 16, 2015 – Cup o’ Porn
June 16, 2015 – The Jeep Diva
June 16, 2015 – Creative Deeds
June 17, 2015 – Boys on the Brink
June 17, 2015 – All I Want and More
June 17, 2015 – Love Bytes Reviews
June 18, 2015 – 3 Chicks After Dark
June 18, 2015 – MM Good Book Reviews
June 18, 2015 – Sinfully Sexy Books
June 19, 2015 – LeAnn’s Book Reviews
June 19, 2015 – Rainbow Gold Reviews
June 19, 2015 – TTC Books and More

– See more at:

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