I don’t know if I do or not, actually– but I’m gonna make a good go of it! Anyway– I’m going to see if I can write me a quick post and then go back to bed. Exciting, I know, but if I want to go fly my freaky flag in downtown Sac this morning and be all political and shit, I’m gonna need the teensiest bit more sleep, I just KNOW it! But Steve he cat was being all insecure and shit, so, here I am, up WAY to early on a Saturday morning and I might as well do something, right?
First news–there is a contest for Gambling Men: The Novel over at Stumbling Over Chaos— make sure you stop by and enter for a chance to win! Now, for anyone who has read the first short stories, the ones in the Curious anthology, and want to know how I decided to turn that little bit of prose into a full length novel, go check out the excerpt at the first link– the very first chapter is from Jace’s point of view, and you all might be surprised! The book is out on May 7th, and I’m excited!
Also out that SAME WEEK in paperback for the first time is The Talker Anthology. Now these are the same three Talker stories that have previously been released, but they’re coming out in paperback on May 11th, and I’m seriously excited like I didn’t think I would be. For one thing, I go to conventions and SIGN books, right? Well now I can sign this one–and people LOVE this one, and THAT makes me happy!
And for another? I’m wondering what it will be like for someone who has never read my boys before to read them straight through, all at one go. I’m hoping it’s special–everyone seems to love Tate Walker and Brian Cooper (their audio book sales still surprise the hell out of me!) and this is just something for my guys that I can hold in my hand.
I’m thinking about holding a contest for the paperback here, so stay tuned for details! (No–I swear that’s not a cop out, but the idea of actually remembering how to post a contest right now is making my head all swimmy….)
And in other news, people really seem to love Country Mouse. I used to post the links to all my good reviews, and then I stopped because, quite frankly, it started to make me uncomfortable, and I’m not really good at celebrating “me!” But since this is Aleksandr’s work too I thought I’d at least give him a shout out and thank all the folks reading it and loving it–we’re SO glad people are enjoying this one! And we ARE making plans for a sequel! (BTW, if you do read it? I LOVE the little cat and mouse graphics that are consistent throughout the book. ADORABLE!)
I shall probably be back a little sooner than usual, and post people news… for one thing, I wrote out the shawl pattern for a friend, and I was going to post it for you, and I’m sure there’s interesting things about my kids… and I know I had a story or something in my brain… but yeah. Right now? I’m going back to bed so I can meet my friend a little later and not feel like a total spazz. (I love how autocorrect keeps trying to spell that different.)
*waves* Night! *yawn* Be back up in an hour.