Christmas Kitsch Blog Tour and Scavenge Hunt


Heh heh heh — okay, so honestly, I’m not great at contests.  You all have seen me flail around, messing with end dates and just sort of giving stuff away because I don’t know anything else to do with it, right?
So bear with me.  Imma mangle this badly.  
Riptide has sent me on a blog tour– the dates are listed below.  At every stop, there is a chance to win something from Riptide (there will be more details at the various stops) AND at very every stop there is a chance to win something from ME.  

There are two kinds of spots– the basic Stoplight Spot which has contest opportunities and a chance for the blogger to comment on the book (hopefully they like it!), and the spots where I had to sing for my supper.  At those spots, I’ve told a story from when  Mate and I were young.  See, I pulled a lot on my own experience of moving into a crappy apartment at a young age in order to write Rusty and Oliver’s experience the more real, and I thought I’d share some of those moments with you!  Anyway,  I’ve pulled phrases or moments from these stories and left them for you to find, clearly marked, at EVERY STOP– for a scavenger hunt.  
At the end of the blog tour, I’ll post a reminder.  If you COMMENT on that post and E-MAIL ME with six of the twelve scavenged phrases, I’ll send you a bookmark and a key fob for your trouble.  The key fob has the book cover on one side and my dragon on the other, and the bookmark is just like what you see above.  
Of course, if you have designs on other swag items (Johnnies key fobs, other bookmarks, swag bags, pens) now is the time to hit me up– but remember, you have to prove you’ve been reading up on all of my lovely hosting blogs!  And DON’T forget to comment on each tour stop, too, so that you can qualify for the Riptide giveaway as well.  
So there you go.  That’s me, flailing around on a contest.  I’m going to put this post up on my website, so you can access it if you need to, and when I post over this one, I’ll put the blog tour dates on the follow up posts as well.  Speaking of which, the blog tour dates are below, with links!  Below that, for shits and giggles, I’ve written the titles of my posts with the spot I’m pretty sure the post will be.  Enjoy!

December 6, 2013 – Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews
December 9, 2013 – Sid Love
December 10, 2013 – The Jeep Diva
December 11, 2013 – Queer Town Abbey – Spotlight Stop
December 11, 2013 – Tracy’s Place – Spotlight Stop
December 12, 2013 – Cup O’ Porn
December 13, 2013 – Joyfully Jay
December 13, 2013 – Under the Covers Book Blog

– See more HERE

December 6, 2013 – Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews — “Firsts”

December 9, 2013 – Sid Love — “A Place to Park”

December 10, 2013 – The Jeep Diva — “It’s a Rat!”

December 12, 2013 – Cup O’ Porn — “A Place to Lay Your Head”

December 13, 2013 – Joyfully Jay — “Hand-me-Downs”

December 13, 2013 – Under the Covers Book Blog — “Mate’s Word Edgewise”