Decisions decisions…

And here we have Chicken’s asshole cat bodyhumping
the socks I”m blocking. And Squish laughing at him.
Asshole cat.

So, some things I need to decide in the next week–

*  Swag items– should I order pamphlets with my backlist on them? Just business cards? Magnets? Yarn bags? WHAT SHOULD MY SWAG BE THIS YEAR? (Input welcome here, people– sayin’!)

*  Amy’s Lane, which I will write next week.  Things on my mind: Author promises, the differences in het tropes vs. m/m tropes, buying swag for cons, the keeping of the queue.  Again, input is welcome.

*  My queue– I have the next three items after Selfie planned, and two of them are original and one of them is the sequel to Candy Man, Bitter Taffy, and Lollipop. After that, I’m thinking either Johnnies, or an equally high profile sequel.  Again– did I mention your input? It is welcome?

*  My blog– I blog about my kids here, and I like that, but have been thinking about hooking it up with a tumblr. I know a lot of other authors have declared the blog obsolete– but I’m reluctant to give up the utter random of this blog.  Should I keep the blog for family and start tumblr for fanfic and career only? Is it worth it to develop one more social media skill?  So… many… options…

*  Whether or not to move Squish to the fifth grade. This one is more personal and family, but she loves her teacher, can probably learn DIFFERENT things than when she was in the combined 3rd/4th class last year, BUT… she’s with the same group of kids that I’ve seen terrorize teachers from the 1st grade. They’re not always nice to her. I sense impending bullying disaster, and it hurts me. She’s SUCH an awesome, special kid.  I’m not sure which thing will be better–but if she keeps getting sad this year, I’m SO gonna try a thing. Anything.

*  Fanfic Friday– c’mon, guys– in the comments. Let’s hear your favorites. No promises on my end, because I don’t sail ALL the ships, but you may spark an idea. I mean, I wrote that Captain Starlord thing because someone mentioned it, right?

*  Knitting queue– am currently making socks for a friend’s family, but I also need to knit a blanket for another friend’s kid– and finish a fairly easy/quick wrap that I was planning to wear at GRL. Any other suggestions? And OH CRAP– I need to knit this year’s batch of fingerless mitts.  Nevermind– Knitting, I actually have wrapped!

So there you go– today’s interactive blog. Go forth! Interact! I shall sit and reap the benefit of your input. Or something.