Erranded to death…

Kid to school

Walk the dogs
Service the car
Shopping with Mom
The fabric store!
Home again
Daughter drives now
But first the pet store
Then there’s Safeway
Lunch now please?
Parking lot hopping
Til Del Taco
Cause Mom’s got a headache
Cause it’s almost two.
Thank grown daughter
Get in the car
Get the kids
A stop at Starbucks
Unicorn Frappe–
Not until tomorrow?
Well unicorn poop!
Make some promises
Get them home
Shit, I’ve got work!
If I don’t nap I’ll die
Mate to the rescue!
Dishes done when I wake up!
Leftovers for dinner
Then it’s time
To make some swag
Last night I was up
Until almost two
Tonight it’s much shorter
Cause Mate’s doing it too
A whole half hour
To watch TV
While working on sweater
For the kid who helped me.
And now I’m writing.
Post office tomorrow
And Thursday too
God I’ve got a lot to do.
On a plane in a week?
Or just a little bit more.
Seems I’ve sung
This song before.
But it’s not getting old
And it’s not getting twee
Cause I’m busy as hell
Right before RT.