Yeah– there’s quite a change of topography.
So, I’ve arrived at RWA and started to say hi to my sisterhood– I do miss authors– they tell such wonderful stories!
Anyway–SO tired. And tomorrow is a big day, so mostly I’m just going to inundate you with pictures and run away.
But I do have a terrible thing to confess.
We were traveling through Arches, and some of the most amazing scenery known to man, when I had a horrible revelation.
There were an awfully lot of rocks with a particular shape. A sort of phallic shape. If you know what I mean.
So I know we were there to look at rocks, glorious rocks, but at times I found myself thinking I was more at a cock garden… *sings* Cocks, glorious cocks…
It’s been a great trip, but, you know, too much driving and Amy gets weird. Er.
Also– Squish was like, “Why are we stopping at this rest stop?”
I was like, “TREES!”
Because as glorious as the cocks, erm, rocks were in Moab, I gotta admit, the Rocky Mountains really do have their blessings.
Oh! One more thing– Chicken sent us, “Proof of Cat.”
The cats seem to be affronted that we would not just know they were alive because all was right in the universe.