Do you forgive me now? Besides, Supernatural reruns aren’t until January… that’s a long time to hold a grudge, my man!
You’ll have to forgive me all– I’m so tickled about If I Must but at the same time I’m in editing hell.
Okay. Not hell. I’ve got to tell you, the editors at Dreamspinner are fair to fully awesome people–lots of incredible minute changes that I wouldn’t spot but that make the whole thing just shine–and a sense of humor as well. You’ve GOT to love someone who corrects the spelling of ‘cannyagimmefuckinghallelujiah!’–and it TOTALLY makes sense! (I’m so in awe of this. It’s like a superpower or something.) But editing this way is addicting. I get the manuscript and it’s just rife with these little blue bubbles, and then I accept or reject the changes (sometimes I reject–I kept ‘glorpy’ instead of ‘sloppy’ and ‘a smile like moldy cottage cheese’ and ‘smooth-as-lube gait’ but mostly I accept–these people really do know a lot more than I do!) Anyway, I hit the little button, and the blue balloons disappear. It’s like, instant gratification. I’m hooked. I want to KEEP PUSHING THAT BUTTON so I can see the editing magic happen.
Of course it helps that with one of MY manuscripts (Roxie, Bonnie, Bonnie, Eric, Ceri–you guys back me up on this) there is a guaranteed SPECTACULAR number of little blue balloons. It’s like being a totally shitty editor myself has made this job a lot more fun after someone else has gone over the writing.
I did take time out to watch Buffy with the big kids– Spike has just discovered he likes killing monsters. I’m in love. You guys were right–Buffy really IS the greatest!
And other than that? I’m going to leave you with this little bit of Christmas cheer from Zoomboy. I went to pick him up today and he bounded into the car saying, “Mom! Mom! Dennis quaid and Gordie are going to get MOUSES to eat for Christmas!”
Be still my heart–the little guy just does it to me all the damned time.