Okay–that’s almost exactly what I said when I put my hand on Big T’s head today and discovered that we’d hit a homerun in the illness department. I may have left out the ‘fuck’ but he knew what I meant. *sigh* Fucking February.
* Other weird news? I may have reached a new low in the teaching department today. I was teaching knitting to two girls who, I know, have rather, uhm, sophisticated (re: slashfic) taste in reading.
“Okay… so knitting is when you spread the little guy’s legs and go in that way, and purling is when you go through the backdoor.”
Lesson over–they started laughing and then I realized what I said. Alas the day I ever taught them double entendre.
* Chicken made a request of me tonight.
“Mom–you know this thing you did where you put french fries in with the pasta sauce and cheese?”
“You know the recipe with the chicken and the catsup?”
“Uhm, yeah?”
“Could you file the french fries and pasta sauce with the chicken and the catsup? They both deserve to die a merciful death.”
“Consider it done. My apologies.”
“No worries… the pasta was okay…”
* And finally (since this was such a day for blogfodder), we managed to traumatize Ladybug via Top Chef tonight. Upon hearing that one of our favorite competitors had been eliminated, Chicken, Big T and I all let out a loud, tortured, collective groan. It was SOOOO loud that Ladybug heard it on her way back to the bedroom, let out a squeal and ran wailing into the door to the bedroom. We were laughing so hard it took me a minute to get up and help her. Bad mommy, baaaaad mommy… but very funny Ladybug!