Oh– first, I posted Amy’s Lane on the website today, so by all means check it out! And now, for the post…

Mate–being a good Mate– agreed to do the cooking for the family dinner at my dad and stepmom’s on Easter, while I went and visited my mom in the crappy part of Sacramento. (I have been doing this more often, with less people with me–she is happy because she gets visits, and my family is happy cause it’s a long drive they are not obligated to take.)
Anyway– I got home two hours later and the cooking was underway… but it was not done.
Part of this is my fault. He was making deviled eggs and garlic potatoes, and we use mayonnaise, never. So he got the mayo out, and it appeared to be from the paleolithic age, and he thought maybe best to go to the store.
But part of it was just that he is Mate.
He didn’t know how to make garlic mashed potatoes. He needed to look it up.
Yes– I know some of you just read that and laughed. Because… garlic mashed potatoes… there’s, you know… garlic. And cheese. And a little salt and some pepper and some… whatever makes it taste good, right? (Cause potatoes are one of those things– garlic and cheese and then you cannot possibly fuck them up.) But he promised me, and he’s an engineer.
He needed a recipe.
Also, he needed a recipe for the deviled eggs. (Stop laughing! He was serious!)
I was eternally charmed.
Because he took this seriously, and because he wanted to make it right and good, and because he didn’t want me to help because I asked him if he could help me and he wasn’t going to mess up. The garlic mashed and the deviled eggs were wonderful. Not my recipe– but definitely a recipe–and I was so grateful.
Anyway– I told my friend (and aqua instructor) Trina about it, and she had two things to say. A. Is this an engineer thing, because my husband is just like that! And B:
This is a cookbook after my own heart, and since there’s about to be a bunch of stuff floating about me and cooking with the release of Food for Thought, I thought I’d share. (No– I’m not vegan– I have plenty of chicken I can cut up and put in place of cauliflower, thank you. But it’s healthy, and it’s supposed to be tasty, and it uses the word “fuck” a lot, so I’m calling it a win!)
And speaking of the stuff going up on the net…
Following is the blog tour schedule, starting tomorrow. Squee!! I’m actually pretty proud of my guest-post spots. They’re fun stuff! For me, bitching about cooking NEVER gets old! (It might for you after a week, but honestly, I had so much fun that’s okay 😉
Pay particular attention to April 13th, when I’m over at the ARe Cafe, cause that’s an especially cool venue and it gives me the giant happies!
April 8 Spotlight
Roxanne’s Realm
April 8 Review
BFD Book Blog
April 9 Guest Blog
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom
April 10 Spotlight
Lisa’s World of Books
April 13 Guest blog
ARe Café
April 14 Review
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock
April 14 Spotlight
Houston Havens
April 15 Guest blog
Erotica For All
April 15 Spotlight
Sapphyria’s Books