It’s a good thing you all wanted to hear about me…

This isn’t the interview– it’s the teaser for the interview, and, uhm, dayum. I look okay on paper (I really need to replace that picture. That was almost three years ago!

0 thoughts on “It’s a good thing you all wanted to hear about me…”

  1. Donna Lee says:

    That is so cool. You look good in person, not just on paper. I'll bet you wow them!

    (and at least they didn't use words like 'plucky')

  2. Three years? Has it been that long?

  3. Galad says:

    When does the interview actually come out? I'm waiting for your wacky profundity

  4. Mary M. says:

    Donna Lee stole the words from my mouth with her "that's so cool" 😀 I love the byline of the site: Independant talent magazine 😀 I haven't read your other recent posts so forgive me if you've talked about it already, but is the interview focusing on the release of a specific book or on the entirety of your work as an author?

    As for the pic, I'd say it depends on whether you like the current pic or not. If you think your most recent pics are more flattering, change away! If you don't have any better ones, screw accuracy and keep this one; that,s what I'd do 😀 Yes, I'm shameless that way ;))

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