Okay– so yeah. I seriously haven’t finished Chicago laundry and I’m getting back on a plane tomorrow. My mind boggles.
The good news is, the AC went out and it’s 95 degrees here this week, and I miss it– the repair guy comes Thursday, and I’m going to be in nice, temperate (flooding!) Kansas City. (The AC is a whole other story– there’s a special place in hell for repairmen who come out to do routine maintenance, break your shit, and then disappear for two weeks. God puts them in THIS HOUSE when it’s 90 degrees. Trust me. There’s vengeance involved.)
Anyway– as John Lovitz said in League of Their Own, “I’ve got enough time to go home, give the spouse a little pickle tickle, and then I’m back on the train.” (Okay, he said “wife”. I think Mate would disagree with that. I paraphrased.)
But while I was here, there was cuddling, freaking out because the house has reached terminal devastation, freaking out because (what else?) I have SEVERAL deadlines, and freaking out because the dog has decided that if he CAMPS OUT ON MY BREASTS I might never leave him alone again. (Co-dependent little bastard. I’m sort of blown away.) Oh– and knitting.
This is the chain mail rib scarf for Jeremy. Because Aiden needs to make something that will protect his bunny, the next time he decides to be brave.
And, of course, rainbow sheep, because Alex W. sent them to me, and everybody needs some rainbow sheep.
There was also the following conversation over Rubio’s on Saturday:
Squish: How come Mr. Krabbs has a daughter but no wife?
Mate: Maybe she died in childbirth. If mom’s a whale and dad’s a crab, that can’t be an easy labor.
Zoomboy: Died in childbirth? Like the princess in Star Wars Episode 3?
Me: Omigod… my life!
You know… just to remind me that family is family after all.
Oh, and THIS happened, and suddenly people are offering to send Jason Collins copies of The Locker Room. Hey– I’d buy it and sign it if someone could tell me where to send it! Oh yeah– and Chris Kluwe did something awesome too, if we’re talking about sports!
And I suddenly became addicted to fingernail polish–on my fingernails, don’t panic– because before I left for Chicago I made the heinous mistake of getting acrylic tips. They looked lovely, but by the time I popped them off because they were annoying the hell out of me, what was left underneath was brittle and icky, and I bought every nail polish bottle that said, “strengthening” “conditioning” and “revitalizing”– in pretty colors of course. I’m going for professional help in the nail department– I’m not exactly sure I should have ever given up my original hygiene routine, which basically involved ripping my nails off when they became inconvenient.
Oh! And don’t forget Daisy Harris is going to guest blog for me on Wednesday! She’s awesome, funny, and smart– you’ll enjoy her very much!
And as for me? Well, I’ve got two youtube videos to speak for me– enjoy.