Kermit Flail, March Addition!


First of all, thank you all for being patient. I know you probably expected Kermit Flail in this space last week at this time, but, well, I was traveling from Daytona Beach home and it was not happening. I’m rested now (mostly!) and caught up (sort of!) and so ready to celebrate the nearness of spring!

And I do mean “nearness”– it’s still cold and wet and rainy here. I even caught a double rainbow on the way out of Captain Marvel today. By the way? That movie? See it!  But see? It’s spring, so it’s all the hope, but it’s still rainy and the weather’s a bit punk and it’s definitely still time to read.

So here’s some spring picks for you–well, and a Christmas pick, because Freckles was re-released this month, and woot!

First we have Andy Gallo and Better Be Sure– now Andy has written under another pen name, Andrew Q. Gordon for his fantasy– and this is one of his most recent forays into the contemporary world. As a person, there is nobody kinder, funnier, or more solid than Andy–and I can’t wait to see what his contemporary stories look like. I bet they’re as warm as his heart!

Next, we have J. Scott Coatsworth, my fearless leader in our local Sacramento writing group. Scott is also kind and funny and steadfast–but he is still riding the fantasy train and his award winning fiction is receiving lots and lots of notice these days. Also, he’s my friend, like Andy, and I want him slathered in praise and whipped cream. But mostly praise. Come check him out!

And finally, a guy who really wouldn’t mind the whipped cream, we have Parker Williams, and his newest book, Galen’s Redemption, which is out in April. Now Parker is… well, he’s sort of awesome. Online he’s like a manic pixie dreamboy–with a healthy dose of good solid friend thrown in. Also? There’s an Amy Lane couple doing a cameo in this one, so, you know… keep your eyes open for a couple of guys who may look familiar.

And finally we’ve got me, with Freckles and Familiar Demon. Because it’s a long way until String Boys and you might need something to tide you over.

So Spring is coming, everybody– and it’s definitely time to celebrate. Sit down with a book and look at the rainbow–and remember, it’s always a good day to flail! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!

Better Be Sure

by Andy Gallo

A Harrison Campus Story

When the stakes are this high, you better be sure you can win.

Jackson Murphy lost his parents to a boating accident, but they’re never far from his thoughts. He attends the same university as his parents, joined the same fraternity as his dad, and even lives in his father’s old room, along with his adopted brother, Marcus. Life brightens when he meets the man of his dreams.

Edward Knowles trades full-time college for working during the day and community college at night when his father’s factory closes. He intends to stay deep in the closet to keep his job in heating and cooling. But Jack pushes all his buttons.

Jack’s college rival challenges him to bring a date to the upcoming dance. He goads Jack into accepting even though failure means he and Marcus will lose their room and Jack must leave the fraternity.

Jack is falling hard for Ed, but Ed will never agree to go the dance. Ed—not knowing the stakes of the wager—has also made it clear that Jack taking another man will end their romance.

With pressure from friends and enemies alike, will Jack hold on to his legacy… or his heart.


by J. Scott Coatsworth

 book Three of the Oberon Cycle trilogy

Time is running out.

After saving the world twice, Xander, Jameson and friends plunge headlong into a new crisis. The ithani–the aliens who broke the world–have reawakened from their hundred millennia-long slumber. When Xander and Jameson disappear in a flash, an already fractured world is thrown into chaos.

The ithani plans, laid a hundred thousand years before, are finally coming to pass, and they threaten all life on Erro. Venin and Alix go on a desperate search for their missing and find more than they bargained for. And Quince, Robin and Jessa discover a secret as old as the skythane themselves.

Will alien technology, unexpected help from the distant past, destiny and some good old-fashioned firepower be enough to defeat an enemy with the power to split a world? The final battle of the epic science fiction adventure that began in Skythane will decide the fate of lander and skythane alike. And in the north, the ithani rise….


Galen’s Redemption

by Parker Williams

A Links In the Chain Story 

A rich man is about to set foot into an unknown world, while a Good Samaritan fears he’ll have to close the charity he’s spent his life building. Poised to lose it all, they might find what they need most in each other. 
Son of a wealthy importer, Galen Merriweather lives to broker deals, and he’s damn good at it. But it’s getting harder to ignore the kind of man his father is—a man who would pay Galen’s brother’s lover to leave… a man who’d demand Galen retrieve a quarter-million-dollar check from a struggling homeless shelter. Robert Kotke knows the money is too good to be true, but it’s a godsend that could help so many people. Still, he hands it over when Galen shows up. But he isn’t done with Galen yet, and he’s going to challenge everything Galen ever believed. Galen will face an impossible decision: the redemption he’s come to realize he wants, or the life he’d always dreamed of.

by Amy Lane

Small dogs can make big changes… if you open your heart.

Carter Embree always hoped someone might rescue him from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.

Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who eases Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse of the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be “Super Pet Owner”—and decent boyfriend material to boot.

But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says goodbye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive. He can be a man who stands up for his principles!

He can be the owner of a small dog.


Familiar Demon

by Amy Lane

Familiar Love: Book Two

For over a century, Edward Youngblood has been the logical one in a family of temperamental magical beings. But reason has not made him immune to passion, and Edward’s passion for Mullins, the family’s demon instructor, has only grown.

Mullins was lured into hell through desperation—and a fatal mistake. He’s done his best to hang onto his soul in the twisted realm of the underworld, and serving the Youngblood family when summoned has been his only joy. Edward concocts a plan to spring Mullins by collecting a series of items to perform an ancient ritual—an idea that terrifies Mullins. He can’t bear the thought of losing Edward and his brothers to a dangerous quest.

But every item in their collection is an adventure in brotherhood and magic, and as Mullins watches from the sidelines, he becomes more and more hopeful that they will succeed. When the time comes for Mullins to join the mission, can he find enough faith and hope to redeem himself and allow himself happiness in the arms of a man who would literally go to hell and back—and beyond—to have Mullins by his side?

0 thoughts on “Kermit Flail, March Addition!”

  1. Unknown says:

    Wow, Amy, you lied, I'm nothing like what you say – ask my kid. I'm a mean old curmudgeon who has no sense of humor at all. But thank you for including me in your monthly flailing 🙂

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