*Kermit Flail Monday* August!

Okay– first of all, whew! Did we all survive? Heat wave and political conventions and hey, hello, RWA?

Yeah– it’s been a loooooonnnngg summer, so we have something of a modest *Kermit Flail* for you today–but that’s okay. A lot of us are wrapping up our summer reading (I did spectacularly well on this, I am surprised) and getting ready to get clothes for the kids to go back to school. (I don’t know if ZoomBoy needs more neon/stretchy nylon shorts. I’m thinking it might be a quick trip to Old Navy.)

But that doesn’t mean there’s not time to slip one or two more romances in– Shyla Colt’s Resurrecting Ghosts looks taut and hot–and bad boys, let’s face it, we all love ’em!  The Dreamspun Desire from Rick R. Reed and Vivien Dean brings back some of my favorite beach reads, the sweet category romances that still make me all giddy inside.  And for those of us who have a jones for fantasy, well, Carole Cummings’s Wolf’s Own has been recommended to me over and over again–it’s been on my TBR list for AGES, and if you buy it and read it you need to get back to me and kick my ass into gear so I can read it too!!! Oh, and the lovely and talented (and unfortunately injured–writer down!) Alexa Milne gave us a haunting story about coming home–the cover is stunning, and just… mmmm…. 
Oh, and yeah– I had a release this month– can you tell?

So yeah– a modest offering this time around, but what we’ve got is awesome, so let’s give it a big hand, okay?


Resurrecting Ghosts

by Shyla Colt
Ruthie Gregg was the independent woman who had everything together. A homeowner with a successful job in advertising, and a busy social life, she never wanted to get serious with a man. Things with Kings of Chaos member, Skull, were meant to be fun and light.

 Then she made the mistake of catching feelings without discussing their relationship status. Misunderstandings and indiscretions lead her to call things off. But life is a cruel mistress who wasn’t done uprooting her perfectly managed existence.

To get the life she’s dreamed of, she must put her past behind her, and fight for her future with a man who just may be the love of her life. Tritt “Skull” Matthews was a man who wanted nothing to do with love. After watching the four letter word and mental illness destroy his family, he opted to take the path of a permanent bachelor. His brothers in the Kings of Chaos MC were all the family he needed until he took up with Ruthie. The mouthy red head with her vintage style and a strong back bone derailed his plans. When denial, drinking, and self-sabotage doesn’t shake her from his soul, he starts a new mission, to get her back at any cost.

Happiness is within their reach if they’re willing to lay the resurrected ghosts in their lives to rest. The things they fear the most holds them captive in invisible chains. Breaking free is imperative, lest they are doomed to repeat the past.

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Stranded With Desire

by Vivien Dean and Rick R. Reed

When their plane crashed, their desire took flight.

CEO Maine Braxton and his invaluable assistant, Colby, don’t realize they share a deep secret: they’re in love—with each other. That secret may have never come to light but for a terrifying plane crash in the Cascade Mountains that changes everything.

In a struggle for survival, the two men brave bears, storms, and a life-threatening flood to make it out of the wilderness alive. The proximity to death makes them realize the importance of love over propriety. Confessions emerge. Passions ignite. They escape the wilds renewed and openly in love.

When they return to civilization, though, forces are already plotting to snuff out their short-lived romance and ruin everything both have worked so hard to achieve.

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Wolf’s-own Bundle

by Carole Cummings

Wolf’s-own: the four-book fantasy epic featuring Fen Jacin-rei—Incendiary, Catalyst, Once-Untouchable—and Kamen Malick, who is determined to decode the intrigue that surrounds him. Fen’s mind is host to the spirits of long-dead magicians, and Fen’s fate should be one of madness and ignoble death. So how is it Fen lives, carrying out shadowy vengeance for his subjugated people and protecting the family he loves? With a threat all too close and a secret he needs to explain, Malick is at odds with those who should be his allies, and no matter how much he wants to protect Fen, it may be more than he can manage when he’s trying to keep them alive.

Returning Home 

by Alexa Milne

You can never escape from yourself.

When Darach McNaughton returns to his home town, the one thing he isn’t looking for is love. But when he meets the mysterious Brice Drummond, his investigative instinct isn’t the only thing aroused.

After a gang beats Brice Drummond, leaves him for dead, and needing to use a wheelchair, he ends up in a witness protection program. His only company is a beautiful cat aptly named Princess. He creates beautiful pieces of art, but allows no one into his life—until a handsome policeman appears out of nowhere.

On a snowy night, Darach McNaughton returns a crying cat to its owner and is immediately curious about the beautiful man with the tattoos. Bit by bit, Darach uncovers the shocking truth about Brice’s history. Can he get past what he discovers? Can Brice let someone into his life? Or will the past catch up with them both and tear their fledgling love apart?
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Fish Out of Water

by Amy Lane
PI Jackson Rivers grew up on the mean streets of Del Paso Heights—and he doesn’t trust cops, even though he was one. When the man he thinks of as his brother is accused of killing a police officer in an obviously doctored crime, Jackson will move heaven and earth to keep Kaden and his family safe.

Defense attorney Ellery Cramer grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, but that hasn’t stopped him from crushing on street-smart, swaggering Jackson Rivers for the past six years. But when Jackson asks for his help defending Kaden Cameron, Ellery is out of his depth—and not just with guarded, prickly Jackson. Kaden wasn’t just framed, he was framed by crooked cops, and the conspiracy goes higher than Ellery dares reach—and deep into Jackson’s troubled past.

Both men are soon enmeshed in the mystery of who killed the cop in the minimart, and engaged in a race against time to clear Kaden’s name. But when the mystery is solved and the bullets stop flying, they’ll have to deal with their personal complications… and an attraction that’s spiraled out of control.

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Blog Tour

I Fight AuthorityLove Bytes

Substitute TeachingLove Bytes
Mike–MMGoodBook Reviews
Open Sky Book ReviewsThe Good Boy
Alpha BooksWhy We Like Bad Boys
Long and Short of It Reviews— A Cat and a Fish

Gay Book Reviews— I Loved That Cat (Up Saturday, July 30th.)

Spotlight at Shyla Colt’s

Embracing My Crazy — Interview

Bayou Book Junkie (July 30)

Love Bytes Release Day Review 

Pending Stops Waiting for Links

Prism Book Alliance– Interview  (August 1st)

Joyfully Jay–Some More About Jade  (August 4th)

 Love Bytes Blog Tour Extra–Some More About Jade and Mike (August 1)

Grave Tells

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