Kermit Flail–Summer Flailin’, JUNE!

Okay– we have a KICK ASS Kermit Flail today. I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how excited I am to host some of the folks we have here.  It’s like… like YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!
First of all, we have LaQuette, whom I featured with the Backlist Badumpbump.  I had a chance to talk to LaQuette this last month and she was the definition of lovely–and I’ve read the excerpt for Love’s Changes and omg–OUCHIE OUCHIE OUCHIE! This one looks GUT RIPPING and HOT and AWESOME and *hands to heart* *swoonz* So, you know, right up our alley, right? And LaQuette introduced me to Shyla Colt, who sent me the info for Broken but Breathing and… *sniffle* You need to read the blurb. You just do. You NEED TO READ THE BLURB. *fans eyes*
So, I thought I was just styling for this month’s Kermit Flail, and then I got an e-mail from Jake Wells. Now Jake Wells is one of those people who’s real life is just… beYOND exciting, and then he writes books too? He sent me pictures of his trip from Africa, featuring him and Jane Goodall and I showed those to my son and WOOT! Instant hero!  He’s a local boy, grew up in my neck of the woods (and can testify how weirdly bland this place is) and now lives in Southern California and works as a pediatrician. He’s wonderful, kind, and way too cool to hang out with me, and yet like LaQuette and Shyla, here is where he wanted to be with his new release. And again, for those of us who love a little book with their angst, look no further.
So, an embarrassment of riches, right? And then Ki, Brina, Deja and Joe all gave me a wave and said, “Oh, Amy…” and I was TOTALLY DELIGHTED. Because the more the merrier, right? So BOOM! My normally humble little flail is big and classy now, and I am thrilled!
Add to that, Dan Skinner (the awesome photographer of some of my favorite covers) has a free short story on his blog–it’s down toward the bottom, and I’ve read it and it’s lovely. You guys–don’t let this one go.
Oh! And at the bottom? I’ve got a re-release– The Green’s Hill Novellas is a collection of three previously released works that fit into the Little Goddess World, and although we don’t have the buy links yet, we have the cover and blurb for my July release. It’s action suspense and… well, sort of a departure from my usual and I sort of love it. I hope you do too.
So guys, get ready for your summer reading list because Kermit Flail is here! Enjoy! It’s gonna be awesome!

Love’s Changes: A Losing My Way Novella

by  LaQuette
A near-fatal shot through his chest teaches Lieutenant Bryan Smyth of the NYPD two things: He wants to live to see more days and he wants to spend them with his estranged husband, Justice.

Poor decisions made under the strain of grief split the seams of their marriage. Now it’s up to Bryan to show Justice there’s still enough of their love left to salvage from the ruins, still something worth the battle ahead.

Bryan’s shooting has opened Justice’s eyes to new lessons too. The first, tomorrow isn’t promised, the second, life’s too short to live in misery. Justice has watched Bryan shuffle back and forth attempting to balance the man he is at home and the man he has to be at the precinct for too long. Now, he’s done.

The only problem is Justice’s heart is having a hard time adhering to the exit strategy in his head.

Desperate to repair their bond, Bryan does the only thing he can to keep his marriage intact, he calls his crazy sister-in-law, True to stir up some organized chaos. She’s a wildcard, yes. As unstable and deadly as nitroglycerin, but she gets the one thing Bryan needs more than anything, results.

The only question left: Is family and fidelity enough to get them through love’s changes, or is this really the end?

Amazon | B&N | Kobo

Broken but Breathing

by Shyla Colt
It’s time to move on.
You’ve grieved enough.
I’m worried about you.

Estelle Noll has heard the same things repeatedly for the past two years. How can one put a timeline on recovery from total devastation? She lost the love of her life, child, and home in one day. Broken, depressed, and lost, she battles her way from the darkness and begins to piece together a new life. Xavier “Snake” Kolton is everything her husband wasn’t—tattooed, bold, dirty talking, and free-spirited. He makes her feel alive for the first time since the tragedy. Can the M.C. Vice President ever be more than a passing phase?

Xavier “Snake” Kolton knows what it feels like to lose. The Vice President of the Wild Ones MC has spent years dedicated to nothing but his brothers and their commitment to bettering the community. When the fragile, curly-haired blonde woman comes into his life, feelings long dormant to him awaken. Can this woman who’s lost more than anyone ever should handle his lifestyle. Should he even ask her to?

Buy At Amazon  

Sometimes Love Lasts
by Jake Wells
For Rone Forrester, life as a high school student is a roller coaster ride. Though he’s intelligent, good-looking, and athletic, true happiness eludes him. He’s lost his mother to cancer, his hypercritical father is a tyrant, and he spends most of his free time taking care of his little brother, Eli. And to make matters worse, Rone begins to have romantic feelings for his best friend, Carson Harrington.

When Rone is inadvertently outed, his life swirls into turmoil. His father’s homophobia and Rone’s embarrassment at the thought of facing Carson force him to flee to Los Angeles, where he hopes to find a safe haven. Instead, he quickly learns that every moment is dangerous for a homeless teenager. As time passes, Rone navigates through multiple challenges, makes friends who love him for who he is, works hard to achieve his goal of becoming a pediatric surgeon—with all its inherent triumphs and tragedies—and overcomes a failed relationship. Ultimately, his journey teaches him that in order to fulfill his dreams, he has to come to terms with his past.

Buy at Amazon

The Paranaturalist 

by Ki Brightly

As a kid, Joseph Appleyard saw things hidden from others. Now he is The Paranaturalist, an investigator and cohost of a television show that seeks to prove the existence of the paranormal. Some think Joe is crazy, but they don’t realize he knows firsthand there’s more to the world than what most perceive. The trouble is, somewhere along the way, Joe lost his vision and it left his world flat and dull. One night an investigation goes horribly wrong, and a powerful ghostly manifestation sends Joe tumbling into a river. Spirit worker Owen Watson saves Joe’s life, and once they are back on dry land, whatever has been blocking Joe’s vision has been washed away.

When a haunting goes from annoying to dangerous, people turn to Owen Watson. He hates those infuriating hacks from TV, but when he pulls Joe from the river, his mind begins to change. Joe is scared and confused, and Owen realizes he might just be the real thing. Together, they work to understand the part of Joe that has been shut away for so long. But just as Joe is reacclimating to his abilities, his career as a paranormal investigator is in danger of being ripped away. Owen would gladly battle a bloodthirsty spirit for Joe, but he’s out of his element in the world of reality television.

Buy at DSP

They Called Him Nightmare
by Deja Black
Growing up, Kai Bennu was taunted for skin dark as midnight and his otherworldly appearance. They called him Nightmare, but Alec Vasilios, a wealthy and powerful businessman, wants to call Kai his own. Kai’s past has left him with little trust in others and even more reluctance to surrender himself to Alec’s power. With both men harboring supernatural secrets, finding common ground won’t come without sacrifice.

Buy at Amazon 

The Runaway Gypsy Boy (Irish Runaway series #1) 

by Brina Brady

Twenty-year-old Daniel Serban loses his dancing job and threats of being outed to his family force him to flee Limerick, Ireland. Daniel fears his father and the other gypsy men will force him to marry his betrothed, or bring bodily harm to him for being gay.

As chance would have it, he ends up in Cleary’s Pub, a gay leather bar in Galway where he meets the grouchy, ginger-bear Ronan O’Riley. Daniel had no idea how much meeting the Dom would transform his life.

Ronan O’Riley has been unable to move on since the death of his sub a year ago, that is until a troubled gypsy boy steps into Cleary’s. Ronan’s lonely existence is about to change.

Can Ronan convince Daniel to trust him or will Daniel’s fears of his past ruin any chance of a relationship? Unexpected heated attraction in the barn ignites their relationship to move forward. Though the two men have many of the same dreams, Daniel’s secrets and Ronan’s need to gain Daniel’s trust are just a few of the many challenges they must overcome if they are to be together.

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Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back, book 1

by Joe Cosentino 

On Cozzi Cove at the New Jersey shore, handsome Cal Cozzi’s seven bungalows are open for summer and love. Mario and Harold are brothers and college students who happen to look alike, but couldn’t be more different: Mario is searching for love, and Harold is searching for lust. Josh and Greg, a wealthy older couple, are matchmakers for their son, Christopher. When it comes to Connor, the maid, packed with muscles and a roving sponge, anything can happen. Opposites attract as wild Tim with the secret past meets shy Mark, and porn star Chuck Caliber connects with Sean, a virgin romance novelist. And what will happen when computer-game designer Arthur has a midnight sea rendezvous with a merman? Even married Cal faces an emotional upheaval when a gay bashing turns into something quite unexpected. What secrets and passions lie in magical Cozzi Cove?

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Cozzi Cove: Moving Forward, book 1 
by Joe Cosentino
On Cozzi Cove at the New Jersey Shore, handsome Cal Cozzi’s seven bungalows are once again open for summer and love. The vacationers include Rodney Maxwell and Dennis O’Halloran, a Tony Award winning actor and his estranged producer/husband with their two hired studs, Jarek and Zeus. Computer analyst Sam enlists his best friend Chase in a scheme to attract hunky Raul. Middle aged Gil Van Truren wants to end it all—until he sees a vision of his first love. Cal also has his hands full with college student Michael—his new young lover—Michael’s study buddy Carlo, man of mystery George Valis, and Connor, the houseboy packed with muscles and a wondering sponge. All the while Hunter, a female gay romance novel enthusiast, experiences gay life off the page. What secrets, humor, tragedy, mysteries, and passions lie in the magical place called Cozzi Cove?

Buy at ARe

Free Story from Dan Skinner

The Green’s Hill Anthology

by Amy Lane

Welcome to Green’s Hill, a small, secret collective of the fey, furry, and undead, existing unnoticed in the California foothills for over a hundred and fifty years. Whether your passion is exotic were-animals, angels, elves, or vampires, you can find them here—although things are changing on the hill.

Bound by love and honor, Cory, Green, and Adrian work to give their followers a home—but they have no idea that the effects of their true love will spread like ripples in a pond.

Be prepared for the unexpected, and ready for enchantment—you never know who will be awakened to the romantic possibilities of a vampire, a sorceress, or a pansexual elf who finds power in the force of love.

This anthology includes:

Litha’s Constant Whim

It is on Litha that Whim meets Charlie, and their vows to return next Litha and finish what they started launch a thirteen-year tradition of celebration.

1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2010.

I Love You Asshole!

It’s a good thing vampires live forever, because it might take Marcus that long to convince Phillip that gender lines are for the living.

1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2011.

Guarding the Vampire’s Ghost

An accident of divine politics has put Adrian, a twice-dead vampire, in heaven and under the care of angels Shepherd and Jefischa.
1st Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2010.

(For a full breakdown of the Green’s Hill stories and the order in which they originally appeared, please check out THIS POST HERE.  For a LOOSE calendar of the order of books being re-released along with the release of Quickening, the new book in the series, check out THIS POST HERE.)

And sorry– no buy links as of yet, but this is due out in the early days of July. I’ll have buy links up on social media as soon as I have them, but in the meantime, enjoy Reese Dante’s AWESOME cover, and the hopefully kickass blurb!

Fish Out of Water

by Amy Lane

PI Jackson Rivers grew up on the mean streets of Del Paso Heights—and he doesn’t trust cops, even though he was one. When the man he thinks of as his brother is accused of killing a police officer in an obviously doctored crime, Jackson will move heaven and earth to keep Kaden and his family safe.

Defense attorney Ellery Cramer grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, but that hasn’t stopped him from crushing on street-smart, swaggering Jackson Rivers for the past six years. But when Jackson asks for his help defending Kaden Cameron, Ellery is out of his depth—and not just with guarded, prickly Jackson. Kaden wasn’t just framed, he was framed by crooked cops, and the conspiracy goes higher than Ellery dares reach—and deep into Jackson’s troubled past.

Both men are soon enmeshed in the mystery of who killed the cop in the minimart and engaged in a race against time to clear Kaden’s name. But when the mystery is solved and the bullets stop flying, they’ll have to deal with their personal complications… and an attraction that’s spiraled out of control.

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