*KERMIT FLAIL* The HUGE-ASSED Summer Reading Starts in May Edition!

Hoalleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee WOW! 
So I had a couple of people lined up for Kermit Flail– E.J. Russell, Dean Frech, Kim Fielding– and I was happy with that, but I thought, “Hey–maybe if I asked, more people would want to go on the Flail, right?”  Because you all know that the Flail is better when there’s more!  

So I put out an all-call, expecting, what? Three or four more people?

Oh my God you guys! There are TWENTY people on this list. TWENTY. 2x2x5.  (I think that’s how the kids do that in math.)

So anyway– usually I would spend some time telling you about everybody, right?  Like EJ who was nominated for a RITA this year and I’m not gonna let you forget it. Or Kim for whom I wrote a “how we met” story for the DSP celebration and whose Bureau series has been on my TBR pile forEVER. Or Sara, who spent a half-an-hour next to me in an elevator and didn’t threaten to kill me once, in spite of how annoying I probably was!  (Sara, when we write our “how we met” story, the elevator is going in there!) Or L.A. Witt whom I owe words for a co-write or Ari Mckay or Rowan McAllister or…

You all get the picture.

I have wonderful stories for most of you–even if it’s just, “This person said something LOVELY to me online the other day just when I was going to chuck in the computer and buy a chicken farm!” 

But there’s twenty-two books here, right? And they all look amazing. 

So I’m going to cut the “I LOVE ALL THESE PEOPLE!!!” intros a little short and go on to “BOOYAH LOOK AT ALL THE BOOKS!”

Cause the books look special and awesome and amazing.

But if you get a chance to, by all means get to know the people online.

They’re pretty damned awesome and amazing too. 

Nudging Fate

by E.J. Russell

An Enchanted Occasions Story

Not exactly a match made in Valhalla.

Half-norn event planner Anders Skuldsson is under strict orders from Asgard not to meddle with Fate. But with Enchanted Occasions’ latest booking—a competition for the hand of Faerie’s one true prince—crashing around his ears, it’s really difficult to toe that particular line. But if Andy pretends to be a contender for the prince…. It’s only temporary, so Odin can’t blame him. Right?

Conall of Odstone’s half-brother, Prince Reyner, was supposed to choose a mate before being crowned and wed. But the idiot left Con to impersonate him. Again.

When Con meets Andy, his anger turns to desire… and despair. Even if Andy forgives him for his imposture, how could someone eligible for a prince’s hand settle for the court outcast? And the double-deception isn’t their only obstacle. Unless Andy makes the right choice, their fates could be sealed by…well… Fate.

The Tendire Gate
Ashovan Doyon

After Doomsday, there wasn’t much left—a world that had fallen apart. It hadn’t been enough to boil the oceans and raze the surface with fire. With that scorched earth had come a final solution, the contagion. In a world where every breath was ash and disease, few survived.

The Imperium hunted them, extracting healthy flesh to extend the life of the powerful. All the while, soaring unseen, the tools of an old order search. Hidden far from the sight of the ruthless Imperium, deep beneath the earth, the DIRE stations offer renewal—an exit from the destruction of the world.

Those ships, like a phoenix, rise with the last refugees to bring them to DIRE, hoping that a keeper yet lives to hold open the only chance of escape.

Buy links: 

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tendire-Gate-Ashavan-Doyon-ebook/dp/B07C3D69T9

Orderly Affair

by D.J. Jamison

A hospital orderly explores his bisexuality with an adorably geeky lab tech, but can their sparks lead to love outside the closet?

When Ian Connolly installs a hookup app to explore his long-suppressed attraction to men, he doesn’t expect to connect with anyone he knows, especially not lab tech Callum Price. But from their first scorching encounter, he’s hooked.

Callum hasn’t had the best luck with love, and he’s suffocating under a pile of responsibilities. But when he sees an opportunity to blow off steam with Ian, he takes it. The man is smoking hot, big all over, and sweet as pie.

Their chemistry is off the charts, but a relationship is more challenging. Callum remains stubbornly self-reliant, while Ian tries too hard to be his rock. But if Ian can be honest with his family about loving a man, maybe Callum can admit his own truth: He wants a man he can count on, a man just like Ian.

A Chance at Love
by Sylvia Violet
On the flight back home to San Diego, Chance Emerson meets an intriguing older man. They flirt, and Chance hopes for more, but the man never calls. Months later, they meet again at a charity auction. Chance decides this time he isn’t walking away.
Darren Walsh can’t stop thinking about the gorgeous grad student who almost had him joining the mile-high club. When Chance suggests they hook up, Darren says the only thing he can—yes.
From their first moments together, Chance and Darren know there’s more between them than lust, but their differences in age and income make a real relationship challenging. They decide to keep things secret, yet as they learn more about each other, Darren realizes he wants something real and open. To have that, he’ll need to convince Chance that he has a place in Darren’s world, and Darren will have to take some risks of his own.
The Eager Boy

by Sean Michael 

Eight months ago Robin Secoya left his lover and master, Stack Lobond, because he didn’t believe Stack really cared about him. He was sure that for Stack, any warm body would do, and Robin wasn’t willing to be just a warm body anymore.
A chance meeting at the Iron Eagle Gym brings them back together, and old feelings aren’t far from the surface. They decide they can’t pass up a second chance at romance. But this time, it isn’t just Stack’s demanding career as a big-cat vet putting strain on their relationship. Robin also has a new job that takes up a lot of his time.
Will their kinky love affair crash and burn a second time, or can they find the balance that will allow the passion between them to flourish?

The You I Knew

by LL Dahlin 

Jeremy Adams life as he knew it was shattered thirteen months ago when he lost his husband Weston, the love of his life. The accident spared his husband’s identical twin, Smith McKnight. When an unsuspecting Smith comes to check up on Jeremy, things happen that probably shouldn’t have, causing Jeremy to decide that he has to put the past in the past and move on.

Smith McKnight is trying to put his life back together after the horrific accident that left him lost and confused, living with amnesia is like a blank slate with flashes from the past thrown in. With his soon to be ex-wife and family saying he’s Smith, he tries to live up to the name. When his brother’s husband, Jeremy touches him the future and the past become crystal clear. With the anniversary of the accident approaching he can’t bear to tell his family, who have been working their way through the stages of grief, that something is off. While keeping certain facts to themselves, it’s hard not to notice how much this dilemma is hurting the ever-honest Jeremy, truly the deception is breaking them both down.

At the end of the day are you going to be who people tell you to be, or are you going to be the person you know you are? The fate of his love and his life depends on the answer.

There Goes My Bailey

by LL Dahlin

There hasn’t ever been a time when Scott Callahan hadn’t looked at his big brother’s best friend Bailey and not known that he was the man of his dreams. Especially when they were children and the man-sized boy made sure the bullies stayed away from him. Unfortunately, the man is straight…or so he thought, but after a less than innocent situation appears to drive the man from their small town, Scott’s not too sure. Scott’s brother Ollie is pissed his friend has up and left him and demands that his brother not bother his friend again. Now that Bailey was back, the promise that wasn’t hard to keep for all these years, was becoming much more difficult.

Harold Bailey is known for being many things…a hater of his first name, the one to call when there is trouble and being big and tall, but being a coward isn’t one of them. It only took a night with Scott to change a whole lot of things he knew about himself and his desires, but it took eight years for him to make it back to his hometown. He’s finally stopped running and wants to explore whatever was between him and the man he couldn’t stop thinking about no matter how far away from home he’d moved, but it appears that ship has sailed…or has it

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by Kim Fielding

Alone in a cell and lacking memories of his past, John has no idea who—or what—he is.

Alone on the streets of 1950s Los Angeles, Harry has far too many memories of his painful past and feels simply resignation in facing his empty future.

When Harry is given a chance to achieve his only dream—to become an agent with the Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs—all he has to do is prove his worth. Yet nothing has ever come easy for him. Now he must offer himself and John as bait, enticing a man who wants to conquer death. But first he and John must learn what distinguishes a monster from a man—and what a monster truly wants.

The Wanderer (Chronicles of the Riftlands book1)

by Rowan McAllister

After centuries of traveling the continent of Kita and fighting the extradimensional monsters known as Riftspawn, mage Lyuc is tired and ready to back away from the concerns of humanity.

But the world isn’t done with him yet.

While traveling with a merchant caravan, Lyuc encounters Yan, an Unnamed, the lowest caste in society. Though Yan has nothing but his determination and spirit, he reminds Lyuc what passion and desire feel like. While wild magic, a snarky, shapeshifting, genderfluid companion, and the plots of men and monsters seem determined to keep Lyuc from laying down his burden, only Yan’s inimitable spirit tempts him to hang on for another lifetime or so.

All Yan wants is to earn the sponsorship of a guild so he can rise above his station, claim a place in society, and build the family he never had.

After hundreds of years of self-imposed penance, all Lyuc wants is Yan.

If they can survive prejudice, bandits, mercenaries, monsters, and nature itself, they might both get their wish… and maybe even their happily ever after.

The World Traveler

by Claire Castle

*note: This title isn’t available for pre-order but you can find information about it’s release here, on May, 9, 2018) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39837145-the-world-traveler

Charming Taylor Samuels doesn’t expect his sister’s video audition to appear on the reality television show The World Traveler to result in anything. 

When they are chosen to compete, he can do nothing but hope for the best.

When Adam Scott’s best friend wants them to try to get on The World Traveler, Adam agrees, to make his best friend happy. 

As the reality sets in that they will be competing, Adam tries not to panic too much.

Little do they know that a twist in the show will see Taylor and Adam’s worlds collide in a way they never imagined. Will everything go horribly wrong or could this be the perfect beginning to a wonderful journey?

Songs of the Sea

by Dean Frech
Sartin’s amber eyes told his mother and the rest of the pod that he was destined to become a great protector from the day he was born. Mocked by the majority of the pod for his progressive practice of self-injury to lure predators away, Sartin doesn’t feel like he’s leading the life of any of the great warriors his mother and aunts have told him about. Hoping to find a mate at his twenty-third Winter Meeting, an injury and storm take Sartin far away from Winter Cove. Nursed back to health by a land person, Sartin finds love and acceptance. Torn between the adoration and appreciation of the person who saves him and his love of the sea, must Sartin choose between two worlds to find happiness to fulfill his destiny?


by L.A. Witt

Cruising, Book #1

After Andrew Wentz loses his job, his parents take pity and invite him to join them on a Mediterranean cruise. He jumps at the chance, but once he’s aboard, he feels guilty. Shouldn’t he be figuring out what to do with his pathetic life instead of lazing around on a ship?

The cruise was supposed to be Eric Schofield’s honeymoon, but one cheating fiancé later, he’s traveling solo. Fine. He’s been working too much anyway, so a vacation is exactly what the doctor ordered. He’s on a boat with plenty of hot men, and he’s determined to invite as many of them as he can into his stateroom’s king sized bed.

When the two men run into each other—literally—it’s crush at first sight. Now Andrew can’t think of anyone else, and Eric only wants one man in his bed. The sparks fly, and it’s the perfect vacation fling, especially since ten days isn’t nearly enough time to develop feelings.

At least, it’s not supposed to be.

This transgender gay romance is 49,000 words


by Elle Keaton

No one ever claimed it would be easy.
Running away from his messy divorce did not bring Ira Fragale the peace he sought. If he’s going to get his life together, he needs to pull up his big-boy pants and take care of business. He’s been hiding out in Skagit, licking his wounds, for two years now. Keeping his head down, except for the trail of twinks he’s left behind. Something’s gotta give.

Bartending at the Loft is easy, and Cameron McCulloch likes the friendship community he’s developed since his family rejected him, but he wants more. To get that, Cam needs to knock Ira off the pedestal he’s placed him on. Ira’s older, but that doesn’t mean he has any clearer handle on life and the universe than Cam. Cam needs to focus on his own needs and forget about Ira, but he can’t.

Ira didn’t choose Skagit at random; decades-old events set him on the path he is on today. The mystery of his father’s murder may never be solved, but Ira would like to lay his spirit to rest.

None of this explains why Cameron is suddenly the target of a series of hate crimes. The small town of Skagit has its share of trouble, but someone has it in for the LGBTQ community, and Cameron is directly in their crosshairs.

MM Romance

Love You So Madly 

by Tara Lane
Ben Shane has it all… and he’d like to give some of it back. While he loves his job heading a foundation that funds worthy causes around the world, his engagement to one of America’s wealthiest men leaves him feeling more like a trophy wife than a valued partner. The first warning that his relationship might not be designed to last is his irresistible lust for Dusty Kincaid, the golden-haired, bright-eyed handyman for his company.Though Dusty is odd for a twenty-three-year-old—no liquor, no sugar, and he can’t even drive—the more Ben gets to know Dusty, the more he admires him. But is Ben going to give up a guy who drives a Ferrari for one who takes the bus? He must be mad. Dusty knows he and Ben can never work. After all, Ben’s perfect… and Dusty isn’t. But Ben might surprise everyone with proof that he’s only madly in love.

Exorcising the Exes

by Jill Wexler

Thanks to their exes, Tanner Kennedy and Dan Markwell each believes himself to be a social mess, an embarrassment to be with, and not worth any man’s interest. When the two men begin talking about their exes, it’s as if they’d dated the same man.

Over a taco orgy, Tanner convinces Dan that they need to combat the scars left by their dating past with exorcisms, only via Instagram instead of holy water. They spend spring break together, purposely acknowledging the little things that their exes pushed upon them or told them to change. Posting to an anonymous Instagram account they created, Exorcising the Exes, they soon banish the demons of their exes with hashtags like #margaritasleadtolooselips and #hellyeahgummybears.

Instagramming their way to self-acceptance, Tanner and Dan also discover what it’s like to fall for someone who likes them for exactly who they are, #notperfectnotaproblem.

Warning for the reader: Uppity and rude Canadian geese flock throughout this novella. You’ve been warned.

Buy at Amazon

Coming in Hot

by Carmen Cook
Regan Sinclair swore nothing would ever bring her back to Sapphire Creek. But a failed marriage and unemployment are strong motivators. It’s time to brave the demons she left in her past. Alone. 

Gavin McCabe rarely thinks of Regan, or the one incredible night they spent together. Not since she walked out of his life without a backwards glance. But when she walks back into his life, he sees the opportunity for answers. And maybe a second chance.

An overwhelming attraction flares to life every time the two of them are near each other, but their heat is quickly overshadowed. Their tight knit community is facing an unknown threat and Regan seems to be in the middle of it. Can she find solid ground with Gavin before this unknown menace crushes their burgeoning relationship?
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Forged in Fire

by Ari McKay
The magic touch.
Ever since Harlan Edgewood was bitten by a possessed werewolf, his monthly shifts have been agonizing. When he meets Whimsy Hickes—a mage who specializes in transformation—the attraction is mutual. But Harlan believes his curse is too great a burden to inflict on any romantic partner.

Fortunately, Whimsy thinks he can help.

When Harlan is provoked into an unexpected change, Whimsy uses his magic to help ease Harlan’s pain, but with an unexpected consequence. While he’s shifted, Harlan’s wolf claims Whimsy as his mate.

As they draw closer, suspicious events in the Asheville magical community escalate. Shifters are disappearing, others are murdered, and Harlan’s curse makes him an obvious target. It will take all of Whimsy’s magic to force back the rising evil—and if he fails, Harlan will lose not only his life, but his very soul.

Swings and Roundabouts

by Jackie Keswick

Jack Horwood. Vigilante, hacker, security specialist. Partner to Gareth Flynn. Adoptive father to their two teenage boys. Happily juggling long days and short nights.

Gareth Flynn. Ex-army officer. Ace negotiator. Righter of wrongs. Family man. Away from home more often than he likes.

Desperate for a relationship reset, Jack treats Gareth to a romantic getaway and Sweden’s frigid peace gives them the break they both need. But Jack’s a trouble magnet and the next dead body just a wild skidoo ride away.

Can love, teamwork, and trust survive the troubles that follow them around? Can Jack save what’s become so important to him?

Expect action, drama, and hot romance in book 4 of the Power of Zeroseries.

Buy at Amazon

Tooth and Nail

by Sara Lunsford

(Sale priced during May)

“The Vigilante” was my case. He killed killers. Rapists. Drug-dealing scum. All the ugly crumbs that fell through the cracks of willfully blind justice. I spent five years hunting him until I realized I didn’t really want to catch him. So I walked away—from the case, from my failure, from my big-city life in Detroit to start over with my husband in Merryn, Kansas.

My devils came with me. Bodies matching his M.O. were found in a cold storage unit wrapped up in macabre tribute—each victim with some tie to me. He won’t let me go, won’t let me run. There’s part of me that doesn’t want him to. It’s the same part that wonders if his way might be the only way. At least as far as my husband is concerned. I found Jacob’s Altoids tin in our fire pit—it was full of human teeth. Trophies from the women he raped. He’s a special investigator for the KBI, assigned to the task force that’s supposed to be hunting this master predator. He’ll never be caught unless someone takes matters into their own hands. When he’s sleeping soundly, so trusting next to me in the dark, I tell myself I’m a good cop. I’m no Vigilante.

But I’ve been wrong before.

Buy Here  

Sale Price: .99 until May 29th, then it goes back to regular price of 7.99.

Like a Surge

by Olivette Devaux

Paul can’t touch anything electronic. Cell phones fry, breakers trip, the grid collapses. But now, having moved to Pittsburgh with his twin to help Cooper and Ash, his “gift” threatens to unveil the special powers of them all.

Russ teaches high-voltage techniques at a local vo-tech institute. He hides his mental illness of “seeing things” as best as he can – until Paul lands in his classroom. Paul, whose field glows the same as the strongest appliance. An irresistible young man who strives not for higher learning, but for control.

Their mutual gifts mesh as though fated, their attraction sets off sparks.

Book 3 of DISORDERLY ELEMENTS series can be read as a stand-alone. A charged clash of technology and the paranormal in a heartwarming story of courage and romance where two men find their place in the world, as well as a safe haven for their heart.


by Amy Lane

Bonfires: Book Two

Saying “I love you” doesn’t guarantee peace or a happy ending.

High school principal “Larx” Larkin was pretty sure he’d hit the jackpot when Deputy Sheriff Aaron George moved in with him, merging their two families as seamlessly as the chaos around them could possibly allow.

But when Larx’s pregnant daughter comes home unexpectedly and two of Larx’s students are put in danger, their tentative beginning comes crashing down around their ears.

Larx thought he was okay with the dangers of Aaron’s job, and Aaron thought he was okay with Larx’s daughter—who is not okay—but when their worst fears are almost realized, it puts their hearts and their lives to the test. Larx and Aaron have never wanted anything as badly as they want a life together. Will they be able to make it work when the world is working hard to keep them apart?

Stand by Your Manny

by Amy Lane

The Mannies: Book Three

Learning to trust and falling in love.

Sammy Lowell has his hands full juggling his music, college, some pesky health problems, and making the uncles who raised him proud. He needs help fulfilling his after-school duties with his siblings. Nobody can be in two places at once—not even Sammy!

An injury puts Cooper Hoskins in a tough spot—if he can’t work, the foster sister he’s raising can’t eat. But years in the foster system have left Cooper short on trust, and opening up to accept help isn’t easy.

Luckily, family intervenes—Cooper needs a job so he can care for Felicity, and Sammy needs someone who can see past his illness to the wonderful things he has planned for his life. Each heals the damaged places in the other’s heart. But falling in love is a big responsibility for young men deep in family already. Can the two of them get past their fear of the immediate future to see forever with each other?

0 thoughts on “*KERMIT FLAIL* The HUGE-ASSED Summer Reading Starts in May Edition!”

  1. Liv Rancourt says:

    Whoa…my TBR pile is taller than I am…lol…

  2. Tara Lain says:

    Thank yoooouuuuuuu! So happy to be on the Flail. Hugs! : )

  3. Angie M says:

    So awesome! Thanks for adding to my TBR pile!

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