Kermit Flail– the OMG IS IT JULY ALREADY? edition!


And seriously– did June just FLY right by or what?

Anyway– for your summer holiday edition of romance, I have got some AMAZING reads here, by authors I know and some I don’t so much and some who just look like they’ve got adorable stuff!

So Marie Sexton– yeah, I know, THE Marie Sexton, sent me her next book, Terms of Service–and it looks amazing. (Not only that but I love the name River, so that’s nice too!)  Nicola Cameron sent me what looks to be a delightful romantic romp, Sophia Beaumont did a gender-bending Three Musketeers, and Nic Starr has got a VERY sexy Motorcycle Club series going on–I mean, so far, can’t lose, right?

But there’s MORE!

Jackie Keswick gives us an older, established couple solving murders, which is one of my favorite things, so THAT’S fun. And J. Leigh Bailey and Madeleine Kirby both go shapeshifter on our delighted-reading asses, and paranormal romance is alive and well, and our summer is complete!

Oh– and don’t forget the fourth and final Manny book, A Fool and His Manny, which could possibly be my favorite, and which wouldn’t possibly be complete without a quick visit to the other guys in the series.

So there you go– SO MUCH FUN!

I hope you all find something wonderful here–I know every month when I ask for submissions, I’m so excited to see what other authors are doing, and so happy that they submit their stuff to me!

So go! Find yourself something fun and wonderful to help you recharge over a long hot summer–Romance Keeps Us Young!

Terms of Service

by Marie Sexton
Dr. River McKay moved to Denver with his husband, Terrence, hoping to give their failing marriage a new start. A year later, Terrence is gone and River’s left brokenhearted. Now, he’s decided it’s time to get back in the game. A chance encounter at the hospital introduces him to Phil, a strong-willed pharmacist who isn’t impressed by River’s degree.

Phil can’t deny his attraction to River, but dating is out of the question. Phil only does one kind of relationship — domestic servitude, where he gives the orders and his partner obeys. To his surprise, River agrees — not because he likes the idea, but because anything’s better than being alone.

They know the arrangement won’t last. Phil’s set in his ways and incapable of showing affection outside the bedroom. River’s unused to obedience and still in love with his ex. But their time together will change them, making them question everything they thought they knew about control, respect, and love. When the unexpected threatens to tear them apart, they’ll be forced to choose between the comforts of the past and a future they can only find together.

Buy Here

To My Muse

by Nicola Cameron

Ever do something really, really dumb?

When too much tequila and an enabling BFF put Lily Nayar’s romance novel Feast of Lovers into the hands of its inspiration, sexy British actor Tom Morrison, Lily is horrified. Now she’s determined to get her book back, even if that means breaking into Tom’s hotel room to do it.

With the help of a strategic lie and an Oscar-winning knight, Lily’s screwball plan catapults her into the middle of her very own Cinderella story, Hollywood style. But will a vengeful actress ruin Lily’s shot at a real life HEA with Tom?

All For One

by Sophia Beaumont

In 1862, the Republic of Quebec has a constitutional monarchy, established ninety years before by Marie Antoinette, who fled France’s revolution. Under the influence of its matriarchal leaders, Quebec is the first country to grant equal rights to all citizens, regardless of gender.

Louise Drapeau is willing and eager to take advantage of these rights as she travels from her small town to the capital to join the most elite fighting force in the country, the all-female Queen’s Guard, also known as the Musketeers. She’s barely in the city twenty-four hours, however, when she uncovers a plot to kill the queen, headed by Quebec’s First Minister, Cardinal Lefebvre.

With the help of her three new friends—Portia, Athena, and Arabella—Louise must unravel the increasingly complex politics of the palace in order to not only save the queen but to keep neutral Quebec out of the Civil War raging just a few hundred miles south in the United States.

Surely this will be enough to get her into the Musketeers—if she can survive.

The Night Owl and the Insomniac: A Shifter U Tale
by J. Leigh Bailey
Long nights lead to intrigue… and infatuation.
Chronically ill with a mysterious condition, Yusuf “Joey” Franke escapes his smothering family and doctors by moving halfway across the country to enroll in Cody College. Not long after arriving on campus, some of his symptoms disappear, only to be replaced by debilitating insomnia. Joey spends his nights wandering the halls of his dormitory and hanging out with gregarious and affable Owen, who works the night shift.
When he suddenly shifts from a sick college kid to a massive Asiatic lion, Joey discovers another side to Cody College—it’s a haven for shifters like himself… and like Owen, a part-time great horned owl. And being a shifter is hereditary, which means his parents have some explaining to do.
When Joey and Owen investigate, they discover more than they bargained for—a family deception, a dangerous enemy with international connections, and a love that might be too new to survive the backlash.

Not a Werewolf (Jake & Boo Book 1) 

by Madeline Kirby

When perpetual student Jake Hillebrand starts having strange dreams, no theory is too outlandish – even the possibility that he has become a werewolf. His best friend Don is no help, though – he doesn’t even believe in werewolves!

When the dreams lead Jake and Don to the body of a despised developer dumped along a Houston bayou, the only ones listening to Jake’s theories are the dishy Detective Ruben Petreski and Jake’s feline visitor, Boo.

In a historic neighborhood under threat from developers, everyone is a suspect, but so far all Jake’s new-found psychic abilities seem to be good for is finding kittens and talking to squirrels. He’s really going to have to up his game if he wants to escape the killer’s attention – and catch Detective Petreski’s.

Note: Contains excessive caffeine intake, cats, irritable detectives, lots of carbs, and no werewolves.

Buy Here 

Lies and Deception

by Nic Starr
Detective Mitch O’Neill is the ideal man to infiltrate the Soldiers of Fury Motorcycle Club. His ex-boyfriend, Peter, is pledged with the club, which provides Mitch with the perfect cover. Despite the relationship ending badly, he’s come to terms with Peter’s drug addiction and his inability to help. All Mitch wants now is to bring down the Soldiers and the club president, Rocky Cummings, once and for all.

Finn Cummings hates everything the motorcycle club stands for, but he’s unable to escape his brother’s clutches. When Mitch is assigned as Finn’s driver, they spend countless hours together, and the saying proves true—opposites do attract. Finn agonizes over his feelings for Mitch—the last thing he wants is to involve himself further with criminals, not when he wants to leave that world. Mitch tries to come to terms with falling for a member of the outlaw club he’s determined to destroy.

If they can survive the fallout from Rocky’s violence and the investigation, they might discover it’s not a case of opposites attract after all.

Universal Buy Link:


Swings and Roundabouts

by Jackie Keswick

Jack Horwood. Vigilante, hacker, security specialist. Partner to Gareth Flynn. Adoptive father to their two teenage boys. Happily juggling long days and short nights.
Gareth Flynn. Ex-army officer. Ace negotiator. Righter of wrongs. Family man. Away from home more often than he likes.

Desperate for a relationship reset, Jack treats Gareth to a romantic getaway and Sweden’s frigid peace gives them the break they both need. But Jack’s a trouble magnet and the next dead body just a wild skidoo ride away.

Can love, teamwork, and trust survive the troubles that follow them around? Can Jack save what’s become so important to him?

Expect action, drama, and hot romance in book 4 of the Power of Zero series.

A Fool and his Manny
by Amy Lane

The Mannies

Seeing the truth and falling in love…

Dustin Robbins-Grayson was a surly adolescent when Quinlan Gregory started the nanny gig. After a rocky start, he grew into Quinlan’s friend and confidant—and a damned sexy man.

At twenty-one, Dusty sees how Quinlan sacrificed his own life and desires to care for Dusty’s family. He’s ready to claim Quinlan—he’s never met a kinder, more capable, more lovable man. Or a lonelier one. Quinlan has spent his life as the stranger on the edge of the photograph, but Dusty wants Quinlan to be the center of his world. First he has to convince Quinlan he’s an adult, their love is real, and Quinlan can be more than a friend and caregiver. Can he show Quin that he deserves to be both a man and a lover, and that in Dusty’s eyes, he’s never been “just the manny?”


0 thoughts on “Kermit Flail– the OMG IS IT JULY ALREADY? edition!”

  1. Thanks so much for including me in today's flail, Amy!

  2. Unknown says:

    Thanks for the shout out, Amy 🙂

  3. Unknown says:

    So happy to be included – thank you!

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