Okay, so I’ve been hunched over my keyboard as my uterus drops out of my body, and realizing that yes, sometimes a curse is really a blessing.
If nothing else, the red scourge has forced me to slow down.
Which is nice. I’ve had a chance to knit– in fact, I’m knitting a scarf for L.E. Franks– she and her daughter are sponsoring a young man transitioning from foster care to adulthood for Christmas, and a scarf was on his list. It’s a small offering, but I feel like I’m doing something, and that’s always a plus!
The kids are getting REALLY excited– and I”m taking this opportunity of pool-less living to clean the house so we can decorate on Saturday, and, well, because Chicken gets home tonight, and a place to sleep would be good. Mate and I are also making a concerted effort not to drive her away all in one go. Walking into a clean house is a good way to forget all the things you hate about living at home.
Oh yeah– And yeah– Big T is 21 today. Did I mention that? I should have mentioned that. He’s just so grown up now, he wants everything low key. For his birthday party he’s having his dad take him and a few friends out for a beer. I sort of love that low-keyness about him. I hope 21 is a banner year for my Big Guy– and that he finds his way out of the morass of male post-adolescence very very soon. His heart is still huge, his intentions are still pure, and his potential is still very very much in evidence. I’ll have faith. And he’s also taking us to see The Hobbit tomorrow. Faith well placed, evidently.
Oh– and the pretty picture? Zach and Sean? Did I mention them?
Hee! I didn’t want to overshadow Rusty and Oliver, because A. Christmas Kitsch is a longer work, and B. part of the proceeds go to charity, and, C. well, they’re Rusty and Oliver, and sort of loom large in my heart, but I am just so in love with this cover.
Isn’t it awesome? Adorable? Like a child’s fable, except with romantic overtones? Paul Richmond did this for me, after I gesticulated with words (I’m sure cover artists run when they see my name by now– dudes. I would.) about how I wanted this basic concept of men in front of the elevator door, but I wanted it, well, BETTER than I could do, but I also wanted it in the basic shapes and colors of Ezra Jack Keats’ A Snowy Day.
And did you SEE what Paul did? Isn’t it GLORIOUS? It’s been a busy, painful couple of weeks– I am just childishly happy about this cover! But then, that’s the sort of feeling I wanted. I wanted Zach, our business man, who’s life had been all about a sort of bleak duty, to suddenly be charmed by a goofy guy who loves to teach children. And I think this works. This story isn’t really about Christmas, although a Christmas wish does figure in big, and Going Up! is not nearly the undertaking as Christmas Kitsch, but, well, it’s beautiful and short and out Christmas Day. It’s also up for pre-sale at Dreamspinner right now– so enjoy!
And about Christmas Kitsch— So far you guys really seem to love it– and I’m so thrilled.
See, the thing about this story is that I finished it in March, and I’ve been waiting forever to share it, and now that I am… *hugs self* eeeeeee!!! You guys are getting the same happy-fuzzy feeling I did when I wrote it. I love that. I love that. I love sharing that feeling I get with a really good work and having people love it too, so thank you!
And now that more of the blog tour dates are live, I thought I’d give you those direct links, the better to find the phrases towards the bottom of every post.
In addition to these place–
A Place to Park– post and chance to win are here at Sid Love’s.
Firsts– post and chance to win are both here at Sinfully Sexy.
A stoplight stop is here at Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words.
And another stoplight stop is right here at Dawn’s Book Nook.
There are now THESE places– remember that the spotlight stops and articles/essays also have the scavenger hunt phrases. I just got my bookmarks and I’m about to get my keychains and I REALLY WANT to give them away, so don’t forget the scavenger hunt:
It’s a Rat and a lovely review over at The Jeep Diva.
A Place to Lay Your Head is over here at Cup of Porn.
A spotlight stop and a lovely review are over here at Tracey’s Place.
A lovely review is here at Joyfully Jay’s, and tomorrow, she’ll host one of my articles and the rafflecopter as well.
There’s a lovely review and a stoplight spot here at Kathy’s.
And another couple of spotlights here at Queertown Abbey and All I Want and More.
And tomorrow, there will be an article at Under the Covers and they already have a very sweet review up as well.
There is also a lovely review (alas, no Scavenger hunt phrase) here, at Rainbow Book Reviews.
Whew! And I think that’s about it! I’ll post either tomorrow the 13th or early Saturday the 14th, so you guys can start collecting phrases if you haven’t already 🙂
And now? Well, a little more work to do and then? (I am so excited about this, it’s really sort of sad) I get to clean the house.
*shakes head* Yeah, well, weird stuff gets exciting when you’re grown up.