
Okay…tiny post…if you have a small child (but one who doesn’t like to eat things that shouldn’t be eaten) here’s a recipe for knitter’s magic:

Take one brightly colored sock-yarn–I used sportweight–and 4 dpns–I used 2’s. (I stitch big…tight stitchers might want 3’s.)
Cast on between 36 and 44 stitches. Save long end.
K2/P2 for 3 inches. Save long end.
Sew on brightly colored buttons you bought for no reason at all, using long yarn ends.

Slide on toddler’s wrist.

Trust me–the magic is there!!!!

0 thoughts on “Magic…”

  1. Bells says:

    Amy you’re a genius!

  2. Louiz says:

    cool, will try that!

  3. roxie says:

    Where is the picture of Ladybug with her new bling? I don’t have any kids and the cats would resent added magic. Wanna see the bling, Mom. Wanna see the bling! BLING NOW! BLING!! BLING!!

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