Mama Got the Bug

Came home with a virus, and then wrote about 8,000 words in two days. (It’s nanowrimo-don’t know what to tellyou. This year I thought I’d make it official!)

Anyway, I’m sort of sick and really sleepy, so I think I’m gonna go knit, and leave you with the following pictures to assuage my guilt. Enjoy! (Oh yeah– signed my Jack & Teague & Katy contract today– the books will be released every other month next year, starting in February. I’m so excited I can’t hardly stand it!)

0 thoughts on “Mama Got the Bug”

  1. Louiz says:

    Oh No:(

    Hope it goes as fast as it arrived.

  2. Sorry to hear about the bug. It is going around up here also. The kids look so cute.

  3. roxie says:

    OMIGAWD! A signed contract? Squeeee! You rock, Amy! You totally rock!

    Hope you get well soon – not that it slows you down much.

  4. DecRainK says:

    Hope you feel better soon!

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