Medication Time!

Thanks to everyone who hoped for Geoffie’s improvement. She is doing better–but medication time is a real drag.

The thing is– the dog has three different things. (It’s supposed to be four–I didn’t get the fourth one yet, because busy!)
Now, I thought I had this medication thing down. I’d inject some of Geoffie’s high-calorie food with one of the meds, smear it on a slice of ham and roll it up like a little ham burrito. The first time, it worked great! The second time, also good.
The third time, Geoffie was a little wary– had to work on her eating the ham.  
Tonight, she wanted nothing to do with the high-calorie food. Turned her nose up, refused to admit it was there.  The funny thing was, Johnny was losing his shit.   See, I’d given Johnny a big dollop of the food in his own kibble, just to make it seem fair. 
And Gordie, our perpetually starving gray cat, bullied the dog out of the way and finished the food off. 
So Johnnie wanted his special treat, Geoffie DIDN’T want her special treat, and Gordie was like, “Fuck it, I’ll eat everybody’s special treat, get out of my fucking way!”
And then Gordie crapped on the dog bed, just to show he’s a badass pussy, and not to fuck with him.
Tune in tomorrow where we see if I can figure out another way to dose the damned dog.