Movies of Spirit

Okay– I’ll be honest.  I realized that it was blog day and whimpered.

Today, completely by accident, I ended up taking the day off.

Yeah, yeah, I’d done a few things– wrote about a thousand words, replied to some e-mails, did a little promo–

But mostly?

I watched movies and knitted with Chicken, which I’ve been promising to do all week.  So, yeah.  It was blogging day on movie day– and then I decided, hey!  I’ll cheat.  I’ll combine them.  I’m sneaky that way.


We have a few diehard (*snerk*) movies that we watch every Yuletide that just, well, make us feel the season.  Some of them are definitely Christmassy, and some of them are… well…. not.

But either way, as a family, these are the movies that get us in the mood.

I’m going to go interactive with this one– in the comments, tell me what movies get you in the solstice mood, right?  If you mention one that I love but forgot, I’ll send you Christmas Kitsch swag!  It’s gorgeous, I swear!

So, this is in no particular order:

Love Actually — I laugh and cry every time.

Die Hard– 1-4– because nothing says holiday time like Bruce Willis bleeding.

Lethal Weapon– remember when Mel Gibson wasn’t insane and embarrassing?

Santa Clause is Coming to Town– Because, in Chicken’s words, “Never have so many people taken so little money and made something so timeless.”

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer– Because nothing says “Christmas” like a fascist Santa self-reforming and allowing the misfit toys out of the ghetto.

While You Were Sleeping– Besides real Chicago during Christmas?  There’s Sandra Bullock looking frickin’ cold.  

Sleepless in Seattle– Yeah, Bill Pullman gets ditched in this one.  But he’s still classy, and Tom Hanks… kinda hot!

Muppet Christmas Carol– A truly perfect movie.  Those muppets put in more human performances than most humans.  Watch any reality show, and you’ll swear Miss Piggy is more real than the all the Kardashians put together.

Polar Express–Tom Hanks.  Again.  But also some mind-blowing animation and quirky plot twists and simple poetry.

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas– The real one, with the animation and the Grinch with the creepy smile that climbed up to his forehead and the wonderfully subversive lyrics and the soul of a kind man who spent 26 years trying to break OUT of advertising.

It’s A Wonderful Life– Because.  Jimmy Stewart.

Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas– Okay.  I’ll be honest.  The kids said this one.  The older kids.  I think they’ve got an overdeveloped sense of melancholy.

A Very Supernatural Christmas– Because Dean is gonna die.

101 Dalmatiens — Because there’s snow and dogs with spots and the older kids said so.

You’ve Got e-Mail– Because there’s Christmas in it.  And did I mention Tom Hanks?

It’s About Time– I know it’s new and hardly anybody’s seen it… but… Mate and I saw it last March.  And loved it.  Because it was gorgeous.  And it will make you cry happy tears.  And that’s the best Christmas stories that aren’t blowing shit up.

So there you are– not all of them, but some of them.  If you’d like some Rusty Swag (since the Scavenger Hunt ends officially tomorrow) go ahead and leave a post, and then e-mail me!  And, you know, if you don’t want some Rusty swag, just leave me a post!

Oh– and the weird picture with the cat?  Well, I dyed my hair on Tuesday night.  And Chicken’s cat started nose humping my head like a pornstar on viagra.  Not very politic, and you won’t see it in a movie, but it sure did have us laughing our asses off!