No more words…

I’ve got almost the whole first quarter of the book done w/the first edit–it’s kind of fun going back and seeing the beginnings and realizing “Hey–I DID have plan…”

The only negative is the same negative I have at the end of any book. No more words… just a big, tranquil, sleeping blank space where there’s usually a herd of random people, mouthing off, making love, raising their children, establishing thematic sequences…that sort of thing. Anyway, now that all of my secondary personalities are taking a vacation, I’ve got thanks for all of you (your e-cheers were really heartwarming–thanks and thanks and thanks again!!!) and some pictures…since I haven’t shown you my children growing in a very long time. So, here they are, a random selection of my beautiful ones–including the kitten, who is a holy terror in his own svelte gray way. Oh yeah–and a sweater I finished on the fly for the Ladybug… I mean, because it is sort of a knitting blog…right? (Except the sweater’s having trouble publishing… oh well… I’ll show it again when it’s cooler outside–and Ladybug is wearing it…)

0 thoughts on “No more words…”

  1. roxie says:

    Wunnerful, wunnerful pictures! What is it about a bare baby butt that make women go “Awwwww!”?

    The hoodie is charming! Good work. The chilluns is charming, too. Good work!

  2. Catie says:

    Cute kids, love the kitten – good work all around

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