October Kermit Flail–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

So I admit it–it’s been a little bit hectic around here. DSP weekend, prep for GRL (I’m being a lazy writer with very little initiative there–but I DO have to send some swag to Andrew Grey because he’s picking me up from the airport and we’re driving to Virginia. Believe me, it’s even more complicated than it sounds!)  And yes, tonight (when I post) is my birthday, and it’s funny how even if I wanted a quiet birthday, I’m not gonna get one, which is fine, because even when you’re turning 15 in dyslexic years, you still like a little bit of happy to celebrate your entrance into the world. 
Anyway–I didn’t pimp the flail this month, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have some AWESOME people to flail anyway!
Kim Fielding is coming out with a Dreamspun Desire–and it looks amazing. Kim is like I am– we both like writing the angsty stuff and the happy stuff, and sometimes, when the mood hits us, the popcorn stuff too. I so want to read this–it looks like the perfect little bite of happy in paperback form!
E.J. Russell–whom I got to see at DSP weekend–and Kim as well (she of the Superbris inspiration ;-)– is coming out with another quirky, hilarious paranormal romance. I think if I could categorize E.J.’s paranormal, I’d put her in the same place as Mary Janice Davison (and yes–I read Queen Betsy up to book 14 and pretty much slobbered all over poor Ms. Davison in Las Vegas one year. I even read about Fred the Mermaid. I’m a fan.) E.J. is funny, quirky, with unexpected warmth and a sweet pathos–this next one looks perfect, PNR light, and I urge you to check it out!
Elle Keaton’s offering has a GORGEOUS cover (I’m a fan of drawn covers… sorry…) and a childhood friends to grownup lovers storyline–but one that might rip your heart out. So, you know– a perfect autumn read when you’re feeling a little melancholy and need to just let the feels happen. Another good pick this autumn– sweet!
And speaking of sweet, Melanie Jayne–who writes het–is a sweet woman who is all for the highly satisfying happy ending. Like E.J., she’s submitting a bit of paranormal this time out, and her story–about a pack alpha in love with his seer, looks funny and sweet and everything romance should be. Hey– Halloween is around the corner–you can never have too many vampires and werewolves, right?
And at the end there, finally, is the companion novel to A Few Good Fish, called Hiding the Moon. Hiding the Moon features Lee Burton, who first appeared in Racing for the Sun, and then reappeared, superhero fashion, in Few Good Fish. This is how Burton met Ernie, and how the two of them–the cover ops genius and the rather freaky psychic ended up lovers–and then made a life together when they should never have met in the first place.

It also explains how they sort of ended up in the middle of Jackson and Ellery’s mishegas, and how, without meaning to, Jackson and Ellery provided sort of a blueprint for how two guys who shouldn’t even know each other can actually get along.

So it’s a modest offering but a mighty one this month– thanks to everybody who sent in their stuff. Happy reading, folks–and may your Samhain be happy vampires, solicitous werewolves, and gorgeous psychic moons. 

The Spy’s Love Song
by Kim Fielding

For a singer and a spy, love might be mission impossible.

Jaxon Powers has what most only dream of. Fame. Fortune. Gold records and Grammy awards. Lavish hotel suites and an endless parade of eager bedmates. He’s adored all over the world—even in the remote, repressive country of Vasnytsia, where the tyrannical dictator is a big fan. The State Department hopes a performance might improve US relations with a dangerous enemy. But it means Jaxon’s going in alone… with one exception.

Secret agent Reid Stanfill has a covert agenda with global ramifications. Duty means everything to him, even when it involves protecting a jaded rock star. Jaxon and Reid’s mutual attraction is dangerous under Vasnytsia’s harsh laws—and matters get even worse when they’re trapped inside the borders. Romance will have to wait… assuming they make it out alive.

Buy at DSP

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Single White Incubus

by E.J. Russell 
Supernatural Selection #1

Does a bear shift in the woods?

Well, partially. That was what got grizzly shifter Ted Farnsworth into trouble. He wasn’t trying to break the Secrecy Pact. He just wants people to see the real him. So he signs up with the mate-matching service Supernatural Selection — which guarantees marriage to a perfect partner. Not only will Ted never be lonely again, but once his new beaver shifter husband arrives, they’ll build Ted’s dream wilderness retreat together. Win-win.

Quentin Bertrand-Harrington, scion of an incubus dynasty, has abstained from sex since nearly killing his last lover. When his family declares it’s time for him to marry, Quentin decides the only way not to murder his partner is to pick someone who’s already dead. Supernatural Selection finds him the ideal vampire, and Quentin signs the marriage agreement sight unseen.

But a mix-up at Supernatural Selection contracts Quentin with Ted. What’s Ted supposed to do with an art historian who knows more about salad forks than screwdrivers? And how can Quentin resist Ted’s mouthwatering life force? Yet as they work together to untangle their inconvenient union, they begin to wonder if their unexpected match might be perfect after all.

Buy at Publisher

His Best Man

by Elle Keaton

Rod Beton and Travis Walker have known each other almost all their lives, since the third grade when Rod was the new kid in town and Travis befriended him with PokĂ©mon trading cards and a fruit snack. Apparently Rod’s easy. Since that day they’ve had each other’s backs, like bread and butter, biscuits and gravy…and so on.

Along the way, Rod fell in love with Travis. He’s been hoping for some kind of signal from Travis that he returns Rod’s feelings. When Travis announces his surprise engagement—to a woman—over Thanksgiving dinner, Rod decides he’s done waiting for the impossible. He packs his belongings and heads for Skagit and a new life. Even if Travis suddenly decided Rod was the man for him, would Rod be able to put aside his insecurities?

Travis always knew he was destined to take over the family business. As the only son, he’s expected to take the helm of the Walker farming operation, and he’s good at it. An engagement to a local girl he’s pals with seems like the perfect solution, gets his mom off his back and ensures the family line. Eventually. When his best friend abruptly leaves town, Travis’s eyes are finally opened to the difference between what is expected of him and what he could expect for himself.

His Best Man is a stand-alone in the Accidental Roots series, a friends-to-lovers mm romance with an HEA. Bisexual/gay

See Me

by Melanie Jayne

The Novus Pack Book 1
Throughout history, The Lady, Goddess of the Lycan world, has gifted werewolf packs with humans who carry her mark. Theodora Morrissey’s plans to return to college for her graduate degree are ended when she is awakened by an otherworldly voice on a rarely used airstrip in Nebraska. Injured and disoriented, she has no idea the discoloration on her back has marked her as a Seer, and that she is now a possession—and the prisoner—of the Novus Pack of Lycans.  
To the Novus pack, the word of their leader, their Laird, is the law. With compelling gray eyes and long dark hair, Raider Black rules his pack with intelligence and ruthlessness. To cement the security of his pack, Black has committed to mate another Packleader’s daughter. But he’s finding it impossible to fight his attraction to the pack’s alluring new Seer, claiming her as his own.
Sweet, fearless, and unintentionally funny, Theo upends Black’s world and pushes the boundaries of his rules. How far is Raider willing to go, and what will he sacrifice, to save both his pack and the human Seer who’s found a way not only into his bed, but his heart?

Hiding the Moon

by Amy Lane
Fish Out Of Water: Book Four – A Fish Out of Water/Racing for the Sun Crossover
Can a hitman and a psychic negotiate a relationship while all hell breaks loose?

The world might not know who Lee Burton is, but it needs his black ops division and the work they do to keep it safe. Lee’s spent his life following orders—until he sees a kill jacket on Ernie Caulfield. Ernie isn’t a typical target, and something is very wrong with Burton’s chain of command.

Ernie’s life may seem adrift, but his every action helps to shelter his mind from the psychic storm raging within. When Lee Burton shows up to save him from assassins and club bunnies, Ernie seizes his hand and doesn’t look back. Burton is Ernie’s best bet in a tumultuous world, and after one day together, he’s pretty sure Lee knows Ernie is his destiny as well.

But when Burton refused Ernie’s contract, he kicked an entire piranha tank of bad guys, and Burton can’t rest until he takes down the rogue military unit that would try to kill a spacey psychic. Ernie’s in love with Burton and Burton’s confused as hell by Ernie—but Ernie’s not changing his mind and Burton can’t stay away. Psychics, assassins, and bad guys—throw them into the desert with a forbidden love affair and what could possibly go wrong?

0 thoughts on “October Kermit Flail–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!”

  1. E.J. Russell says:

    Thank you, Amy! You're the best! <3

  2. K. Tuttle says:

    Nuts! If I'd known that you were coming to Portsmouth, I'd have definitely planned for it! And with Andrew Grey to boot! Aaaaaarrgh!!! I hopped onto the GLR website, but registration is closed. And it started on my day off! Waaaaahhh!!!
    Seriously, I'm sad that I won't be able to meet you in person, since I've been reading you for years, delighting me and breaking my heart in equal measures. At least the humidity will be gone when you get here! Have fun at GLR and I hope that you enjoy your stay in Virginia. 🙂

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