Other Places You can Find Me

 So, I started this blog 15 and a half years ago–and I’ve loved it. I’m not quite ready to let it go in my heart–I mean, I’ve got a pretty solid record here, of my careers, of watching my kids grow up, of my animals. I’ve got some funny stories, and, hopefully, some insightful ideas on this site, and I’ve loved maintaining it.


But this is my first post in six weeks. 

And it’s not that I haven’t done things or said things–or even posted funny things on FB–but even before social media broke my heart (several times over) it was pretty clear that blogs were not cutting edge or end-all-and-be-all. Yes, Twitter is a nightmare, I take the worst pictures ANYWHERE, much less Instagram, and FB can be a real snakepit but, these things are also where I attract readers, and where more people go to read me. 

This may not be my last blog post–but then, I’m not sure how many people would notice if it was.        

And while I miss blogging, and the introspection that comes with it, I’ve also come to treasure living in the moment. The thing with having your heart broken by social media is that it makes you very aware of the family and friends you have in the here and now. While I’ve been noticeably absent on the blog, I’ve been, I hope, very PRESENT in the lives of my family and on my FB group, which is lively and happening and very, very funny. 

For those of you who have tuned in for every post–and I know there’s a few of you–please don’t let this be goodbye. My newsletter is surprisingly chatty and newsy and anecdotal, and if you were tuning into the blog to see what’s coming out next, the newsletter is a great place to to get that info too. If you liked the blog because I posted the occasional free fiction, well, my Patreon is pretty active. I post there 3-4 times a month, and about half the time the post is open to the public. And if you like the quick, funny family conversations, well, that would be FB and my FB group–and FB is sort of great because it will push up some of your most popular posts. So, you know, if something made me laugh last year, you’ll see it again and hopefully laugh some more. 

I’ll post the links to all of those things below, and I really hope to see you there–and this might not be the end completely! It’s just… I would rather say goodbye and leave some forwarding addresses now, then simply let the whole thing fade away. It feels like a choice rather than simply leaving something I’ve been pretty faithful to for longer than a lot of marriages last. 

So while I may not be HERE a lot, I REALLY hope to see you THERE much more. And seriously–if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter or visited the Patreon (for FREE CONTENT!!!) you really should!

So take care to those who’ve tuned in faithfully for the last 15 years–I’m not going away, I’m just going to more fully inhabit the venues where we are all more active. SEE YOU THERE!!!


Patreon: AmyHEAlane 

FB: Amy Lane (My home page)     Choose Your Lane to Love  (My professional page)

 Amy Lane Anonymous  (My very funny group)

Twitter: @amymaclane  

IG: @amymaclane  

Website: www.greenshill.com