Packing for Siberia

Hey all–

First of all, I want to thank my community profusely. Just when I was sure the internet was full of spite and red dragons, everyone in my timeline rushed to me with comfort and kindness, and my faith in humanity is much restored.

I cannot thank you enough.

Today was a little better–Mate stayed home, partly to get better before his trip, and partly to pack. He went for my daily walk with me, and it occurred to us both–hey! He has no winter boots! He’s going to frickin’ Siberia, USA (Okay, fine, Vermont. Not Michigan or Minnesota but… fuckin’ cold. That’s all I’m saying) and he has no boots and no long underwear, because we live the part of Northern California that maybe sinks to the thirties in the middle of the night in January.

He spent this evening folding clothes and looking for boots at Wall-Mart online. He found some, and I bought him a decent coat when he was coaching in the rain a lot, but I was settling down to knit and watch TV when I thought, “Oh my God! Does he even have a hat?”

Now I’ve made him about a hundred, but they’ve all gone the way of my fingerless mitts. *waves distractedly* Somewhere in… you know. Our room.

Anyway–I asked him, and he goes, “Yeah. I have that one you made ZoomBoy.”

“Which one I made ZoomBoy?”

“The ice cream colors. It fits perfectly.”


“No, here–I’ll show it to you.”

Okay– during Thanksgiving, I made that hat for ME, and then Squish took it over–and then LOST it. And he was right. It fit him perfectly. Close about the head and ears, and folded over nicely for warmth.

And it was teal, brown, and purple.

I laughed a little (lot) but mostly I was reassured. He’s going alone to a cold place to do a hard thing. I am really glad he’s going to have something I made with him. I had seriously contemplated staying up all night and making him another hat, because I just didn’t want him wearing something generic when he has me in his corner.

So, now we know what happened to  Squish’s hat. My fingerless mitts, the ones that matched it? Not so much. But the hat is going to Siberia, USA, so Mate doesn’t have to go completely without us.

That helps a little.

Happy week, everyone! OH! For those of you who follow me on Patreon–I’ve put all 10 of the Jai/George parts in order, and either tonight or tomorrow, I’m posting another episode.

Here’s the Patreon, in case you’re interested–enjoy!