
Okay–I’ll be honest. I was really excited to try pamplemousse flavored LaCroix because oh my God, what’s a pamplemousse?

Turns out it’s a grapefruit– which, while I will probably still try it because I lIKE grapefruit, makes me even happier that I decided to buy the Buble, which was on sale, instead.

And other than that?


Squish has opted out of pre-pointe class, which is a shame because I shall miss her looking lovely quite so often in recital, but as it is, she goes in, does mixed class–tap, jazz, and ballet–and then sits and does her homework. Given that last year doing her homework on Wednesday night left her exhausted and in tears, it really is the more mature path. *sigh*  I mean she’ll still have one ballet number, right?


ZoomBoy’s junior year is very very busy.

Back to school night was a revelation and I’m glad I went. For one thing, I can see that he’s not joking when he talks about going from Q4 to E2–omg, what a nightmare. Yes, there is a way to make a longer trip during the five minute passing period, but I think it would require them to give my kid a scooter and a helmet so he can make it. Also, his English teacher DOES remind me of Nick Offerman, he was right. And his physics teacher has a super romantic attachment to the physics book the kids use. It brought a tear to my eye, it really did.


And I had a brief convo with my stepmom today after she butt-dialed me. Funniest thing about it? She was like, “Amy, I hate to interrupt, but I have to tell you–there’s a long, narrow cloud following me as I hitch my horse trailer. It’s raining on my head.”

I, uh, couldn’t stop laughing.

Funny how some of the busiest days are like that!

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