Pegging Empty

You guys know when you’re driving, and your empty light starts flashing? You can usually count on what I call ‘the bounce’–‘the bounce’ is when it LOOKS like empty, but suddenly you have an extra eighth a tank to get you where you were going.

Like most teachers, I hit ‘the bounce’ in the week before any major break from school.

So, before the funeral today, I’d had my bounce, and I was running on fumes.

I don’t even SMELL like gasoline anymore.

Tonight’s yummy yummy hot guys episode helped–but once again, it was damned sad, and poor Dean… guys, he’s losing faith by the second. I need Sam to jump in there and help him out, or I’m just gonna lose it on that show! Annnnnddd…

Listen to me. One more example of how I need my active fantasy life to get me through the day. Anyway, Squishie had a little mini-party at her daycare today, and that was nice. I may talk about the funeral later–but not now. Now, I’m going ‘wordless’ for a little while. Some pictures, some youtube…. you guys can join in my chill…


0 thoughts on “Pegging Empty”

  1. Dean's almost to rock bottom, so when Sam comes through, we'll all be saying the wait was so worth it.

    Squish is cute as ever.

  2. Chris says:

    Thinking of you, and sending you some energizing thoughts!

  3. roxie says:

    Wait, isn't that the person who used to be the cutest baby in the world? Where'd the baby go? She's how old?? She kept the irresistable charm and got older! Those red curls! Those bright eyes! Oh, Mate better start learning how to load his own shotgun shells with rock salt. It's the only thing that'll keep the teenage boys at bay.

    My heart goes out to you. Stop, somewhere in the day, and appreciate that life goes on. Hope is renewed. Promises are sometimes fulfilled. Look at the mustard flowers, and know that it is spring.

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