Random Thoughts About Volunteer Work

Okay– I am eyeballs deep in an edit, and I almost forgot to blog! So it’s going to be a short one, kay?

*  Two weeks ago, before Spring Break I served as Art Docent in my daughter’s classroom again. I was doing trains–Currier & Ives,  Monet, Grandma Moses and a few other artists–and we had equipment difficulties. In an effort to give the kids something to do, I played Arlo Guthrie singing The Train They Call the City of New Orleans —and I sang along with it. (Sorry, kids–hope there was no permanent scarring there.)  And I asked the kids to guess what pictures we were going to look at from the song.

And they did.

And then we learned about paintings of trains.

And some of those kids were humming the song on their way out.

And even though I have no time and I’m exhausted and behind several deadlines and omg we have soccer AGAIN… I’m really glad I did that.  IT feels important.

*  ON Saturday before Easter, Mate, the kids, and I went to Rusch Park–Mate has a soccer booth there. Mostly all he does is pass out fliers so people know our city has a soccer team at all.

Now, seven years ago when Mate first started coaching, it costs around $250 to sign each kid up, and uniforms were around $75. If this sounds expensive–and we were up to our eyeballs in fundraising as well– that’s because the board was crooked and taking kickbacks and sucking the bank account dry. The fundraising was going in their pockets and the parents just ponied up the rest.

Mate’s been on the board four four years, because he was so angry and wanted something to change.  This Saturday at Rusch Park as 2/3 of our family is passing out fliers, a father came up to us and asked about scholarships for soccer. Mate said we had some programs, but that they had quite some time to sign up–and then he pointed to the registration and uniform costs. Registration is less than half what it was seven years ago. Uniforms are $25, not including shoes and shin guards.

The father looked at the pricing and said, “We can do that!” and the little girl next to him just glowed.

And when we got home I told Mate, “You did that. You and everyone on the new board–you did that. You wanted a better place for kids to go and you made it happen and that kid and a bunch of others can play because of you.”  And it sounds corny, but it’s true.

That good people can make the world a better place.

It’s important to remember sometimes–because sometimes the world can feel chaotic and painful and unjust.  But sometimes we make it better.

That’s all.  Back to the editing hole!
