Snapshot of My Day

Day: Wednesday

Mood: Philosophical

Pictures taken: This one, of the cat sitting, happy as a clam–or a cat, really– in the street, surrounded by turkeys. Because, turkeys, I guess? Whatever. Cat and turkeys. It’s a conundrum.

Weather: Stunning. I understand we’ll get rain this weekend. Looking forward to that too.

Kid moment: I bought them Del Taco for when they got out of school. That, and they wanted to eat leftovers for dinner. You heard me. Wanted to eat leftovers. 
On my Kindle; Die For Me by Karen Rose

Writing: Manny Get Your Guy– sequel to The Virgin Manny, a Dreamspun Desire due out from DSP this summer.

Knitting:  Well, I just finished this wrap for my friend (Squish loved modeling it though) and I had a half a ball of yarn left. (The wrap only took one and a half balls–it’s a big put-up!)  So I’m knitting a family of tiny hats for a friend who has a new niece and nephew and two growing boys of her own. The yarn is soft and squishy and lovely and I couldn’t imagine throwing the ball in the leftover stash and never using it again.

Thing I’m most behind on: Halloween costumes for kids. They haven’t decided on anything– it’s driving me crazy.

Music: Goddamned Boxer Rebellion– a friend of Chicken’s turned her on to them in high school, and she doesn’t even like them now. But me, no, I’ve got to have a bizarre ten year late obsession with this band.

Oh well.

Allow me to share my obsession–and the lead singer just sort of wraps his hands around my heart and squeezes mercilessly. Enjoy that:

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