So what I want to do is…

So, my mom has the kids for two nights, and it’s just Mate and I and all the movies we can watch–WHOOPEEE!!! We saw Deadpool, and it was EVER so good–raunchy and violent and awesome–and yes, if that’s your thing, go see! But don’t take your kids unless you can take them to a bar for a drink, because, DUDE. Wherever you think this movie goes, it GOES THERE.

Anyway–I have one entry for Backlist Ba-Dump-Bump, which I’m going to assemble Monday night, and I’m open for two more entries.  For anyone interested, what I want is:

A cover and buy link for a book from your backlist– this helps if you have more than ten books out. Just does.

An explanation of what inspired you to write this book.  You can send me a YouTube video to talk about, or a link to another book, or a link to a movie synopsis on IMDB– as long as you can talk about the link or the video or the book and explain what inspired you.

That’s why there’s only going to be four, maximum. Because this is a personal interaction for a book that maybe people have forgotten in the flurry of other awesome work you have put out.

Now, if it’s only two of us, that’s fine–but I would really love to put out four people a month. Just because. When we’re working on our books, they’re not disposable. People forget about them because we’re a “SHINY! SQUIRREL!” society, but those books are still a part of us–and sometimes, our readers are really excited about discovering the things that maybe even we have forgotten.

So if you want to submit something, e-mail me at  And if you just want to see the Ba-Dump-Bump, watch this space!