So You Think You Can Tell…

I finished Beneath the Stain today, and popped out of the rabbit hole to discover:

*  I had a hideous breakout on my face
*  You can see my gray hair after too long between dye bottles
*  My toenails look heinous
*  The clothing I’d bought online in the wee frickin’ hours of the morning was starting to arrive, and my taste in bras has improved but for everything else I should maybe get some sleep. 
I also realized that, in the haze of the last couple weeks I have:
* Made the kids fish their clothes from the clean pile instead of folding them
* Served my family milkshakes for dinner last night
* Entertained a massive neck/headache from writing 5K a day for 6 days straight
* Failed to feed the cats before they ate the bowl they knocked off the table
* Probably should clean the floor in the kids’ room
* Have been living from milk to milk, not from shopping to shopping
* Have broken my diet several times
* Have developed a pathological attachment to the evil imps hawking sugar and fat at in front of the grocery store.
And sometime in the course of living in this dragon cave I had:
*  Stopped by my grandmother’s house to give my aunts and uncle moral support as they held an estate sale
*  Knitted feverishly on Squish’s sweater so I can get to the baby blanket I need to be feverishly working on moar.
*  Taken pictures of the partially completed Chain Mail Rib scarf, and hoped people don’t really buy Blackbird Knitting in a Bunny’s Lair for the knitting pattern in the back
*  Become unnaturally attached to several songs that I didn’t realize were part of my own personal mythos
And now, I think I would like to:
* Knit and watch television with my family
* Read my friends’ blogs because it’s been too long 
* Fold clothes
* Clean the house
* Get ready for the couches my aunts and uncle generously let us have from grandma’s estate
* Edit the 167K monsterpiece that I hath created, and hope that, as I re-read it, I discover that holy Goddess, merciful God, it might not suck.

0 thoughts on “So You Think You Can Tell…”

  1. Eloreen Moon says:

    Ouch. And yay? Wow that's a mix. 🙂 Good luck.

  2. Eloreen Moon says:

    Ouch and..yay? Good luck and happy for you. 😉 (not sure if the other worked. if it did, delete this one)

  3. Donna Lee says:

    Never a dull moment. We've never done milkshakes for dinner but we have what I call FFY. Fend For Yourself or Fend for short. That's when it's every man/woman/child for themselves with whatever's left in the refrigerator…..

    It's a good way to clean out the fridge.

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