Some Great Stuff on Other People’s Blogs

Okay folks– on the home front, Mate is EXHAUSTED. He’s coaching three teams and leading the league and… Damn. I’ll do anything I can to help him but so much of it is stuff only he can do.  So lookie me, making him dinner and making sure he eats it and making sure we have his dessert on hand–it’s not much, but it’s all I got.

So there’s that.

And I have been writing blog posts for the blog tour, which should be over tomorrow, and for Amy’s Lane, which will be out next week, and mostly, I’m just blog posted OUT, at the moment.

So tonight it’s going to be a repost of the blog tour, plus the links that should be live tomorrow.  And a fun extra special one that I’m going to post first, in case you’re a little overdosed on Fish and would like to OD on some candy instead.

Right here you can find the COVER REVEAL FOR TART AND SWEET, THE LAST CANDY MAN STORY.  And the blurb. The DSP links should be up around Saturday– so yay!!!!!

Right here you at Joyfully Jay’s, you can find THE SECOND JADE AND MIKE FICLET-– it does contain spoilers, so read at own risk!

And tomorrow, sometime, my interview with PRISM BOOK ALLIANCE is going to be up– so pop on in there and say hi!

So here’s the final countdown for blog stops–and thanks all, for making my first murder mystery a success!

I Fight AuthorityLove Bytes

Substitute TeachingLove Bytes
Mike–MMGoodBook Reviews
Open Sky Book ReviewsThe Good Boy
Alpha BooksWhy We Like Bad Boys
Long and Short of It Reviews— A Cat and a Fish

Gay Book Reviews— I Loved That Cat (Up Saturday, July 30th.)

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