Some Shit I Forgot To Mention

* I’m in editing hell.

* At first it was editing heaven–you guys saw that part. Then I realized that I was so busy popping little blue editing balloons, I’d forgotten to hit the ‘track changes’ button.

* I realized this on page 200 of 332 pages. I am now on page 240, after redoing the two-hundred pages previous.

* Again.

* My deadline is tomorrow.

* I feel like a stressed dorkfish about this.

* When I told my editor, she knew what adorkfish was!

* I so love her.

* She can also edit the spelling of “cannyagimmehalefuckingllujia!” I may have mentioned this–but I am still imfuckingpressed.

* All this editing has been done in the kitchen, with a draft on my feet and the heater vent blowing cold air on my eyes.

* I can’t kick my virus, and now I have pinkeye. No shit.

* I didn’t know this until Friday, 6:45 a.m.–this is, for the record, 45 minutes after the cut-off time for calling a sub.

* I figured out I had pink-eye because I looked in the mirror and thought, “Holy God! The only things with eyes that red should have fangs!”

* My teaching day sucked because my eyes were red. If I wasn’t catching shit about hotboxing weed, I was catching shit about pinkeye. The kids were horrible. I hate them.

* I mentioned this to the curriculum clones. They told me “I’m actually having some real successes right now!”

* Good for them. I’m happy they’re happy.

* In fifteen years, I hope they are this excited to be here. Just sayin’.

* It’s possible the depths of my hatred were spawned in the pinkeye incident. We’ll see if I can cook up a decent final and then decide.

* I need time to sit down and knit. Believe it or not, I’ve got Christmas knitting planned.

* It’s possible that I’m a moron.

* Moron or not, I’m done w/ 2.75 of a planned 7 projects. I’m feeling good about myself.

* Let’s see how good I feel the night before Christmas. Just sayin’.

* And iUniverse should have the Rampant proofs to me right after Christmas.

* Woohoo! And that’s a good place to stop!