Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Okay, so, Friday morning, we were all ready to go, right? Everyone in the car? “Mom, dammit, get out of the bathroom, let’s go!”

So, ready to go. I get into the car and put in the iPod and say, “Chicken, you ready for the song?”

And Mate says, “What’s so special about this song!”

“Are you kidding? It inspired “Bewitched by Bella’s Brother””!

And Mate (who has started the car by this time and is pulling away,) says “So why is it important for THIS trip?”

“It’s all in this line here! Listen!”

We listened.

“See?” I said. “Did you hear it? That line right there! San Francisco’s calling, the Giants and Mets will play! Cause, you know, we’re going to go see…unm… why are we turning around?”

Mate gives me one of those looks–you know, those, “I’ll give you three guesses as to how I almost fucked this up but you’re only going to need one,” looks.

I howl with laughter. “Oh. My. God. You didn’t?”


“You didn’t!”

“Sure did!” As we pulled up into our driveway and Mate ran inside to get the TICKETS I realized that the song really WAS good luck.

Because, as you can see, it sure would have been a shame if we’d missed the game.

Above: A little known overlook over the Golden Gate bridge–notice that Big T and I are sweater-less and the short people are not? It got colder as we walked!

Above: While Mate bought a clam chowder sourdough bowl for me, I bought the kids fish and chips. A seagull mugged me for the fish planks (no lie–fucker swooped out of the sky, and STOLE MY FISH) and when I got back to the table, guess who had my sourdough bowl?

Above: We bought the Panda hats at the game, and Zoomboy REALLY loves his. Notice the tooth? Yeah… first he lost it, then, after he showed it to me, he LOST it. The kid does not give a flying shit about the tooth fairy. Good for our pocketbook, but, well, which kid doesn’t give a shit about a buck under his pillow?

Above: Mate, looking proud (as he should) that he brought us all to the baseball game and we had fun. Big T doesn’t get the point, but then, it was a mile and a half of hauling ass on foot to get to the game. (And this after a long walk down at the pier.) T was sort of tired. I ‘respectfully requested’ a cab for the trip back, but alas, it was not to be. We wandered back through some very dodgy streets of an alien city… but it was sort of cool. If nothing else, the bouncer at the club we passed got to hear the game score, and was grateful that we could give it to him.

Above: Mate and I–isn’t he dreamy? Twenty-one years so far–not nearly long enough.

Above: Okay– this is the morning AFTER the game–but don’t they look cute in their panda hats?

Above: Squish– she never stopped moving, never stopped talking, and never stopped convincing people that she WAS the world’s cutest child and WE just didn’t appreciate her mojo!

0 thoughts on “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”

  1. Louiz says:

    Sounds like a good time:)

  2. Chris says:

    Looks like it was a blast – and no kidding that's a good luck song!

    The panda hats are adorable. 🙂

    Oh, dear. My veri word is… urines.


  3. Laurel says:

    Well, Squish may very well BE the world's cutest kid! That one of her working her darndest to gnaw into your sourdough bowl is super cute and slightly . . . feral? =) And the panda hats are more than charming! Glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing the picts!

  4. roxie says:

    What a splendid excursion! You guys do know how to have a good time. The final photo of your dancing pandas just about sends me out for insulin, it's so sweet. And that shot of squish on your lap, squirming and flirting – she looks positively FEY!

  5. Samaya Young says:

    Aaaahhh, there they are. Looks like a great time and that is the first time I saw mate and you did well, sweetie…so did he for that matter, such a cute couple. 😉

  6. NeedleTart says:

    Glad you had a good time but really! You were wearing blankets and hoodies in California! And here in PA I'm sweating to a little puddle (OK, a large puddle). 91 again today. When we moved south, I told The Husband we needed either a nice porch or central air. Guess I made the wrong choice. Enjoy the coolth (opposite of warmth)
    Veri word : ouncer: the guy you passed on the way to the car.

  7. Galad says:

    Too much cuteness with the Panda hats! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time and we got to share in it.

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